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Helping Veterans, help you

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#1 cucullainn



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Posted 02 April 2018 - 21:44

It's astounding to me. Just how many players at EOC who have been playing for 8 to 10+ years. That give absolutely false or totally inaccurate information. In Global Chat. To both noobs. Plus high level Players that should already know most of what they ask.

Most of you know that the pinata bat is in the Cathedral Of Ways. Half of you now that the items needed for the Halloween Global is in the Cathedral but sold in a different store than the pinata bat. None of you seem to know that the Egg Collecting Basket is Not in the Cathedral. It is sold from a shop in an area all its own inside the Springtime Forest. I don't know why that shop is in its own area instead of just being in the Springtime Forest. I guess the harder it is for you to find. The funner it is :P

Not many of you know. There are three invisible creatures in the game. In order to see these creatures. You must have the skill (buff) Reveal on you. Reveal is only available through a potion. There is a quest in which one of these creatures drops an item that's needed to finish the quest. Many noobs search for the Elemental of Paladir for hours or days. Before someone tells them that it's invisible and they need the buff to see it. The other two are the Pesky Spook (Global) and Free Roaming Vapor (Global) Seasonal Halloween creatures.

Veterans should be able to help players new and old. When it comes to doing the seven Epic Quest. If you invite them into your guild. You should be able to instruct players that they will receive items from one Quest that are needed to start or proceed in the next Quest. Instruct them that there are some items for which they will receive a recipe. In order to invent such things like the viper strike longsword. That these items should not be dropped because they are needed to fight a creature at the end of the quest in order to finish it. Such items being dropped will result in them having to file a ticket with support. In order to get it back.

I also cannot believe how many High level players. Who have been playing for at least 10 years. Do not know that there are 5 permanent Legendaries in the Realms at all times.

It's our job as the FS community. To be knowledgeable with the correct information. So we can inform not just Guild members, but other players. Asking questions in global chat too. There are many creatures in the game that require an Equipped item in order to even hit them. Not just the Seasonal Easter creatures. With the Egg Collecting Basket found in a shop in the Shoppers Grove area of the Springtime Forest.

If you are given some information, and can verify that the information is true. Please pass it along. :)

#2 Egami



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Posted 02 April 2018 - 22:32

This almost sounds like a guide to me. 


For the record, do not assume that a person that has been here for a decade knows anything about the game. 


I've been here over a decade and often openly admit I'm a noob. I learn stuff all the time which is probably part of the reason I'm still here.


Do not confuse peeps here for years or those at EOC with peeps that have knowledge about the game. Many have been spoon fed. There are also multiple aspects to FS that are ignored due to focus in other areas. 


Sometimes I think some peeps are out for their own and disseminate false info for assumed personal gain. 


But I sin as an optimist. 


My takeaway from this post is that there could be some improvements to GE announcements. Just as HCS linked to "my guide" to help peeps figure out where to go to do GEs, I believe they should also link to the UFSG on store locations, for example.


Regardless, I think you have to realize that most don't read. They want the reward with no effort. 


I think that HCS has a long way to go to make things more efficient, but even so, you can't force players to be intelligent and read. 


Prosperous smacking all! (o0

#3 Removed4427



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Posted 02 April 2018 - 22:35

  be knowledgeable with the correct information.


and if you are knowledgeable with the correct information, try not to get banned from global chat

#4 watagashi



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Posted 03 April 2018 - 23:09

At least in my case I simply pointed out to those asking for the basket that this info was on the news flash and in bold,,, perhaps the cows should consider the IQ of the tide pod crowd and make it flash with giant neon colored arrows with LOOK HERE on each side. 

I do TRY to help both old and new but more and more lately I find that they either cant read or just are too lazy to and in those cases I have a copy of the coloring book "Elmo learns to poop". Usually it entertains them for weeks.

Edited by watagashi, 03 April 2018 - 23:13.

#5 Removed4427



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Posted 03 April 2018 - 23:29

 "Elmo learns to poop"


and please note; settling the debate once and for all; Elmo has mounted the paper in the correct "under" fashion



#6 watagashi



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Posted 04 April 2018 - 00:57

and please note; settling the debate once and for all; Elmo has mounted the paper in the correct "under" fashion



Thats the pull tab version,, a little too stimulating for most of those players who go "but where is the basket?" after I point out the bold in the news flash. The coloring book buys me hours of quiet time except they always use up most of the burnt umber crayon and break the stub.


#7 Removed4427



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Posted 04 April 2018 - 02:21




#8 cucullainn



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Posted 04 April 2018 - 02:22


Edited by cucullainn, 04 April 2018 - 02:47.

#9 Egami



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Posted 11 April 2018 - 23:11

I don't think this addition will really be appreciated, but... in addition to what I stated above... I think it's relevant.
I openly admit that I've sinned on using abbreviations like, say, AG for Attack Group or Avert Gaze, depending on the context. It is difficult as a "veteran" to step back and "unremember". 
I see this a lot in Global Chat with references to the "UFSG". Seriously? WTF is that? I always try at least there to say instead, "At left, under Resources then Reference". I do wish HCS would bother to help us all out  but efforts way back when on the two "Chat"s that were never clarified and critiques fell on deaf ears... well, yeah.
More to my concern... I've seen a lot of old-timers open talk about sending gold to "beggars" (according the Global Chat rules) in the Global Chat. "Veterans" appear to be trying to help. They aren't.
To an extremely larger degree, this happens with buff requests. 
"Veterans" don't see to care if players get banned. They don't seem to care (perhaps don't know?) that giving out the answers on an "exam" isn't going to educate a player. 
There aren't any HCS-hired Global Chat monitors (which I believe there should be) to help new players along. 
Who knows? Maybe when the app is done, they can use the money spent on coders for that to pay for monitors in a 24/7 international game.
The problem is two-fold... "Veterans" trying to help without educating and then... those who care about the game, like myself, getting insulted in and out from mutlies, new players and "veterans" when they attempt to help real new players learn about game rules.
Every time I see that "help" in the Global Chat, I simply wince. Despite what I think, it's obviously "not important" to the company running the game. 
I do think HCS should protect their investment, but I'm definitely not paid to do it. 
Don't blame the "veterans" though... there isn't anybody there to help them educate better.
Ho-hum. ¯\_(o)_/¯ 
EDIT: one of my hands broke, lol.

#10 watagashi



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Posted 12 April 2018 - 13:13

Ya know what they should do???  Put in some kind of system to encourage vets to help teach new players!! Perhaps even call it something like a mentor and players could sign up offering their help and be easy to find. There could even be some kind of system that could reward them for such a good deed,,, maybe call it karma or something :P

Shouldn't be too hard to put in and complete just don't do it halfway then get distracted and leave it unfinished forever

Edited by watagashi, 12 April 2018 - 13:15.

#11 andyvince



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Posted 18 December 2018 - 05:14

Well, I often see players much higher Lvl than me asking in Global Chat how to find certain class/type of creature for their Daily Quest even though the information can be find easily in the Official FS Guide or Wiki.


It also seem many players been in game for years not aware there are some useful cheap potions you can get from Auction House Special. I think many players just breeze through their levels without need to learning much themselves in good guilds that provide them everything….In my situation, I have to figure out most if not everything myself. :P


#12 gapukas



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Posted 18 December 2018 - 16:50

A lot of the gameplay revolves around googling and wiki specially when starting out, if a player is unable to google he wont get far

Edited by gapukas, 18 December 2018 - 16:50.

#13 BadPenny



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Posted 18 December 2018 - 18:46

I do my best to be helpful to all players, both new and not so new.  All one needs to do really is send me a message in game.  I have even gotten messages here at times.  If I don't know the answer, I will help research it.  Most things can be found in the UFSG, or the WIKI.  I always advise using both since some things may be found in one and not the other.  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#14 Removed4427



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Posted 23 December 2018 - 22:50

currently, the mentors are buried under 3 unique clicks:


actions --- find player --- find a mentor


and i would wager there are some that think "mentor" is a kind of candy*



a shortcut on the homepage...a button labeled question? that takes players to the mentor page would be of benefit, and might eliminate some of the questions in global chat



* consider naming them "guides" or "veterans available to answer questions" 

Edited by duktayp, 23 December 2018 - 22:55.

#15 Egami



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Posted 24 December 2018 - 21:07

Mentor idea was "great"... except for... hum, no follow through from HCS despite the fact that the cows have promised for ages "prizes".


Rather than prizes (which really aren't necessary, especially these days), I think HCS hiring sufficient staff to police the Global Chat 24/7 would be enough. Imagine basic advice. 


Maybe they would bother to think about their cash flow pre-app. Probably not... but hey... I didn't even charge for this free advice.  

#16 EpicPiety



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Posted 12 January 2019 - 17:21

A good tutorial is a better idea

#17 BadPenny



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Posted 13 January 2019 - 00:07

A good tutorial is a better idea

You're singing to the choir, my friend.  I've suggested this on so many occasions.  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#18 Sadrea


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Posted 24 January 2019 - 04:56

A good tutorial is a better idea

This, for sure.


I finally did the tutorial the other day when clearing out my quest book. I was really surprised at how short it was and how it only showed a few things.

“Like I said before, your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” - Anthony Bourdain

#19 BadPenny



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Posted 26 January 2019 - 22:51

This, for sure.


I finally did the tutorial the other day when clearing out my quest book. I was really surprised at how short it was and how it only showed a few things.

The epic questline is actually a better form of tutorial, and it, of course, has an unfinished quest, and imho ends far too soon and needs to include more facets of the game, PvP and the composing aspect especially.  So many new players through the years have not understood that PvP is and should be part of the game, and with a huge number taking a gold heist so personally, many former PvPers (myself included) have all but abandoned that kind of fun.  


The gap between the new player and those at EoC is ever widening, it would be nice to have a better bridge between so that new players don't have to feel intimidated by we who have gone before and so that us veterans that have steadfastly remained can feel assured that our contributions are still needed.

Edited by BadPenny, 26 January 2019 - 22:52.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

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