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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2019 14:07

#977016 Fallensword's Future Paralleled with Eldevins?

Posted by NOOSE on 22 February 2017 - 00:41

While waiting on Stam Regen, as any normal person I checked my accounts on SS2 and Eldevin just to see what is new and different. I was greeted in eldevin with a total of 73 people online, and in Sigmastorm, only 2, myself being one of course. The thing that concerns me is that both games were released post Fallensword and received a well reception with Fallensword players. Now we all understand SS2 failed due to lack of attention and it's off the wall setting, play style, and player interactions, or perhaps simply the community just wasn't "into" it.



Eldevin, the latest and greatest from our friends in the pasture, utilizing all available technology such as the 3d play style, open world, and quite simply everything else that makes "similar games" so....popular/successful. Perhaps not a failure, but simply just not blossomed yet. This game has actually received less content than fallensword, and rightfully so.


Simply stated, with the constant distractions of the mobile games development for HCS, the massive amount of content development for both SS2 and Eldevin that are currently ongoing, there is hardly and time left to work on fallensword. (which to this date still has more active players & "Subscribers" than the rest of the HCS games combined) We do not "need" a new game with the changing of each season.


We, as a community, could fill a hard drive with ideas and fixes for the game, and we are not asking for 800 levels of content each year. But we have our needs! Their is a vast array of things marked "in progress" within the game, and the same rewards and challenges players have faced since joining. Fallensword has what no other game does, and it's the reason it is so hard for players to leave, there is just no other game like it; it's style, community, grinding, EXPERIENCE, and support of devs.


Please Hoof/Grim; put a team on our game to develop it and it's content, don't let this continue with the two of you working on content for an hour, twice a week, when you meet in a coffee shop. It's what is necessary for new players to join, and thus players to pay for points, which keeps you in business!


PS...FS has 340 online at the moment. Don't waste time looking at your quarterly P&L statement, the numbers and trends on your website should tell you which is the money maker.

#810364 Composing!

Posted by NOOSE on 06 September 2013 - 13:03

3 suggestions:


1. A log message upon the completion of the potion.


2. Offer upgrades to increase the limit of potions you can make at one time.


3.  A system of presets to save potions.


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