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Member Since 15 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2015 06:10

#937041 One or two more rows of abilities ?

Posted by Huxtable on 22 June 2015 - 18:14

This has been brought up before, and it seems we all still agree.

#936792 NPC Templars

Posted by Huxtable on 20 June 2015 - 06:18

I'm one of the many who started as Templar then switched to higher dps to level, and yes, Templars need to be made more enticing to play. Higher damage output is one way of doing this, but it's a delicate balance--can't make them too OP.


I've been kind of championing/trying to rehash the idea of a dual-spec option as I think it's a quick & easy solution to problems finding groups. I'm sure there are plenty of warriors & warsins (myself included) who would be happy swap spec to tank a dungeon run if it didn't mean they'd have to be married to the class. Same goes for mages and healing. Hell, assassins & rangers, too, if they don't mind carrying around another armor set.

There are also a handful of good tanks out there who have trouble finding groups while playing their dps class. This would allow them to get the relics they need on the character they choose while ultimately playing the class they want to play.

Ugh, I can go and have gone on and on about the many advantages of it (see link below), but the main reason I think it's a good idea is exactly that: it would make finding dungeon runs easier by eliminating a lack of specific classes.

Yes, there'd be more tanks who need to learn how, but new tanks need that anyway. Long term there would be more people who know how to tank & heal and therefore would understand group dynamics better and could help teach other new-to-classes.



#935116 Issue covered.

Posted by Huxtable on 09 June 2015 - 17:58

I only looked 'cause people keep posting here! Stop posting here! :P

  • KeS likes this

#932002 devs & dots

Posted by Huxtable on 11 May 2015 - 11:01

This probably doesn't need to be said, but just so it is... Please make the bug affecting DoT's a priority. In (not just) my opinion, this is a potentially major issue and has already gone on for too long.

#931079 displaying de/buffs more clearly

Posted by Huxtable on 07 May 2015 - 10:41

It'd be helpful, in my opinion, if buffs and debuffs were displayed a bit more clearly. As it is now, I still find it a bit muddled and confusing.


TL;DR: consider the solutions below to make buffs & debuffs clearer to (inexperienced) players.


A few examples...

Debuffs applied by players. Think of groups with more than one of the same class, or multiple party members applying the same debuff, and (to a lesser extent) world boss runs. If there are multiple stacks of, say, Rupture on a mob, how do I know which is mine and when to reapply?


Debuffs applied by mobs while playing as healer. Tank almost died on Kongar a couple of weeks ago 'cause the healers weren't aware of the debuff. I was one of the healers, and I've done WB's plenty of times. Until then I had no need to know about the debuff, but when it was applied, it was lost among the tank's many other buffs and debuffs.


Buffs on mobs. Specifically boss' Enrage--this was/is not a new concept to me, however the first few times I experienced it in this game went as follows: more experienced player says boss is enraged; I mouse-over all unfamiliar buff/debuff icons to find out what Enrage icon looks like; icons bounce around as buff/debuff timers run out and new ones are applied, making it unnecessarily difficult to read any of their tool-tips.


A few possible solutions...

Display the icons of any DoT's/debuffs a player applies first. When I'm looking at the rows of debuffs on a mob, make it so mine are the first ones listed (top row, left side). Other players of course would see the debuffs they've applied listed first.

Make those icons appear bigger to the player so they stand out more.


Display buffs and debuff icons in completely separate rows. For example, if I'm healing and targeting the tank and s/he's got a row-and-a-half of buffs, drafts, elixirs, etc., any debuffs should start a new row underneath and separate from all of that.

Maybe put a red outline around debuff icons so they stand out more.


All of this just comes from being unfamiliar with the fights and icons, and may be unimportant or non-issues to seasoned players. But I do think the changes would help new players become more familiar with these mechanics and status effects.

#928061 dual spec

Posted by Huxtable on 11 April 2015 - 15:54

Brief and vague, but that's more or less what I wanted to see. Thanks, Mongo!

Let's cross our fingers it's sooner rather than later.

#922040 Armorsmith

Posted by Huxtable on 01 March 2015 - 20:02

When you right-click on an NPC and try to talk, trade, etc., your character usually runs to that NPC and does the desired command. There is one NPC who does not play along, Arthnell the Armorsmith trainer in EC. It's a minor issue, but surprisingly annoying.

#914586 more inventory problems

Posted by Huxtable on 10 January 2015 - 11:09

Lately I've been having a problem where I'll put something in my inventory or move something in my inventory and the item disappears. First happened with some armor the other day--I took off my helm and put it in my inventory and it was just gone. Usually re-logging fixes it and makes the item reappear, but today was the first time that I completely lost an item. It was only 23 coal, no big deal, but it still sucks and should be fixed (assuming I'm not the only one with this issue).


Honestly, the inventory system itself could use some work (https://forums.hunte...and-ctrl-click/), and as RebornJedi said, with all the new bag deals, etc., hopefully HCS will start looking at it.

But losing items makes me not wanna touch my inventory at all.

#913066 Bugged Lesser Wisp in Mythos Forest

Posted by Huxtable on 01 January 2015 - 08:53

Not sure if I should start a new thread for this, but there's a black bear with a similar condition in the Mythos Forest not too far from that wisp.

#911221 more about mounts & pets

Posted by Huxtable on 21 December 2014 - 08:32

I feel like someone must've mentioned this before, but the way they function now, is there a reason all mounts and pets (and possibly vanity gear) aren't account-wide?

I understand binding gear, most drops, and quest rewards. But if I pay for a mount, I'd like to have the option to use it on all my characters.

People are suggesting adding utility to pets. And of course, if pets come with specific abilities, bind them. But the Purple Cape is a much quieter alternative to the Jitterbug and Rhino, and it costs gold. Why do I have to choose which character gets it?

I'm sure there's a reason. Anyone?

#910472 Talent Theory Calculator!

Posted by Huxtable on 18 December 2014 - 17:10

Flamelash (mage) now increases damage, no longer stuns. :)

#910469 banking and ctrl-click

Posted by Huxtable on 18 December 2014 - 16:59

I didn't see this on EJK's massive list, and it is just a minor annoyance, but...
As it is now, when I'm at the bank and ctrl-click to move items from my stash or vault, those items will only go to my primary inventory bag. And if that bag's full, they don't go anywhere. It'd be nice if they went into other bags where available space is. Unless there's some awesome way to move inventory that I don't know about, we're stuck dragging it to the other bags, which is more time-consuming and (as I said) more annoying.

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