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Member Since 18 Oct 2012
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#850139 Wands vs. Staves

Posted by Savanc on 18 February 2014 - 17:34

This would make mage/prophet classes far too OP. Prophet is already the most OP class (I've contradicted myself in the past saying Mage is better, but in reality the prophet is.. at-least pvp wise) in the game with very good single target DPS.

It would hardly make Healers more powerful, it just gives them more freedom of choice in their build.

If healers are so OPed in PvP then the Cows could nerf the healing a bit. Problem solved.

Healers are surely not OPed in the rest of the game. In regards to dungeons we even surely could use a few more healers.



If healers equip 2 wands then they will get the same stats as equipping a 2h staff.

People with a mixed build might like to be able to equip a different weapon (ranged or melee) along their wand. I don't see anything overpowered there.

Healers could also choose to use a shield. They will give up a lot of Sorcery and Focus to get back some Energy and Armor (and a little bit of Vitality). If we take the level 40 Heroic staff and shield as an example then using a wand (with half the staff stats) plus the shield versus the staff will give:

  • Vitality: 49.5 vs. 33 = +16.5
  • Sorcery: 26 vs. 52 = -26
  • Melee: 26 vs. 0 = +26
  • Energy: 22 vs. 0 = +22
  • Focus: 43.5 vs. 87 = -43.5
  • Armor: 725 vs. 0 = +725

For most healers Melee is pretty much useless.

The increase in Vitality and Armor will make them stay alive a bit longer (very useful in dungeons).
But they will lose Sorcery and Focus, so their healing is less powerful.


I would say it is a fair trade-off. Wands won't make healers more powerful, but they will allow them more freedom of choice.

#834167 New Content. 1901 -1925.

Posted by Savanc on 23 December 2013 - 20:31

17 quests... Yeepers! :o


The quest writers must have been locked up in a room for a few days with only creativity mushrooms and pens and paper. :P

#832074 suggestion

Posted by Savanc on 18 December 2013 - 01:00

i think whisp should be fixed gets lame have to type lwhisper every time you want to whisper soem oen, maybe be able to whips soem one if you right click there name from world chat? that be cool


You mean right-click and select Whisper?

You can already do that.


And you can also use /w instead of /whisper.


Also you can right-click people in your online friends list and select whisper. 

#831910 Quicker Mining or Ore Making

Posted by Savanc on 17 December 2013 - 16:56

I think the problem with lowering processing time is that it allows players to make more items in the same time and that leads to faster leveling the professions.


If players can level up faster then it means they will reach the level they are trying to reach faster as well.

The game has been live for just over 2 weeks I believe and so far quite a few players are already at level 16+ on one or two professions. My gathering professions are at level 4, 6, 13, 15, 15, 18 and 20. And my crafting professions are at 1, 4, 8, 11, 12, 17 and 24.

If it would take me less time to gather or process resources then I would have gotten even higher levels in those professions.

And within a few weeks time I would be level 32+ in all of them.


And what would I do in 4 months time when all my professions are maxed?



The speed in which a player can level up his/her professions influences the feeling of accomplishment once they reach their desired levels as well as keeping the game interesting.

If the progress is too low then people will stop because it takes too long to increase their professions.

If the progress is too high then people will stop after a few weeks because they have maxed their professions all out already. 



To be honest, I think the time for prospecting is alright.

Compared to farming you get a lot more profession XP per minute.

Compared to skinning you have easier access to resources (they are all in a safe mine and close together; and you don't need to kill creatures in order to gather the resources) and process times for making the intermediate goods are better.

Compared to forestry and gathering you also have easier access to resources.

#831902 Showing gathering recipes the same way as crafting recipes

Posted by Savanc on 17 December 2013 - 16:42

Right now we can see all the crafting recipes by going to the Profession pop up (by clicking X), going to the crafting tab, clicking a crafting profession and then clicking the View Recipes button.


But this is impossible for gathering professions since the View Recipes button is missing.

And there are a few recipes for gathering.


For example:

Crystal Cutting has 4 recipes: 2 stones + 1 powder + 1 purchased resource = an ingredient for Jewelry.

Farming has 4 recipes: 2 farming products + wool + purchased bottle of something = cloth that is required for Tailoring.

Same goes for Forestry, Prospecting and Skinning.


The only way to see the recipes is by going to the place where you can actually make the products. But sometimes those places are a long way from where you are gathering the ingredients. This is often when skinning or farming.



I guess every player will know these recipes by heart once they have leveled up these professions for a few hours/days.

But most other players do not know them by heart and would be helped if these recipes would be included in the Profession pop up in the same manner as the crafting professions.


So that is my suggestion.  :)

#829326 Update 2.36

Posted by Savanc on 11 December 2013 - 18:47

I don't really understand why Guild XP should be the same for (1) when you hunt creatures equal to your level, and (2) when you sublevel.  :huh:


Though one upside is that EoC players that only hunt for the Guild XP can continue to hunt even when there are no creatures of their level yet. 

#817475 Update 2.34

Posted by Savanc on 25 October 2013 - 18:19

Nice work, Hoof & co!




I have two different suggestion for composing.


1) We could have the hability to create multiple potions (+1 extra potion) every 5 levels and on level 25 the player will already be able to create 5 extra potion but it would not increase more than that on composing.


2) Reducing the minimum level for the first extra potion to level 5 and after every 10 levels we can create others extra potions.


The way it is now it will not be of much help getting the hability to make an extra potion on level 50 since the exp will already be maxed. (on level 45 with 5 extra potions would be more useful like sugested on number 2)


The way I read it is that there are 4 additional potions slots to unlock because the maximum number of simultaneous potions is 5.


At level 1-9: 1 potion

At level 10-19: 2 potions

At level 20-29: 3 potions

At level 30-39: 4 potions

At level 40+: 5 potions


I don't think there is an extra potion slot at level 50.

I think the current way of gaining +1 potion slot per 10 levels is ok. :)

#812584 New Super Elites arrive!

Posted by Savanc on 21 September 2013 - 18:08

Keep them a mystery for a while. We will figure out their stats and drops eventually. ;)

#812455 Need a judgement call from the cows please

Posted by Savanc on 20 September 2013 - 23:01

I think a cooldown is a good idea,,, 7 days seems pretty fair but I wonder how to make it work?


A cooldown of 7 days where a player can't make or use guild-tagged potions.

A player can of course use or make their own potions (as long as they are not guild-tagged that is). :)

#811285 Composing Formulas

Posted by Savanc on 12 September 2013 - 11:22

I have no clue what you are trying to tell me with your teaser as it relates to additional XP and correct usage of the instant gold usage.  Is this an adddtional cost and xp gain over the base calculations.  (ie..if an AL10 pot of 30 min duration at Composing level 2 garners me 10xp for a $5000 gold cost per rendition) Using base figures and assuming I'm very good at timing in a 24 hour period (assuming 22 renderings) I can get 220 xp at a cost of $110,000 gold. What the heck is your 140xp at 250,000 gold, is it addition to the baseline I just established or are you using a different baseline for your calculations.  Without explaination of your variables your chart to me has no relevance as you establish no baseline for your calculations...enlighten me please at to why I missed the boat on this.


He means that if you use the instant finish option in the most optimal way that you will get an X amount of XP for an Y amount of gold from that.

It has nothing to do with making potions that you will wait for to complete.



An example of (an attempt at) optimal instant finish strategies:


Let's take 4 different situations:

  • Situation 1: you only instant finish potions of skill level 54 and duration 54.
  • Situation 2: you only instant finish potions of skill level 215 and duration 215.
  • Situation 3: you first instant finish potions of skill level 54 and duration 54 and then instant finish potions of skill level 215 and duration 215.
  • Situation 4: you first instant finish potions of skill level 215 and duration 215 and then instant finish potions of skill level 54 and duration 54.


Suppose you have 1 million gold to spend.


A potion of 54 / 54 earns you 20 XP and takes 5,000 gold to make. This is also the cost to make the first instant finish.

A potion of 215 / 215 earns you 50 XP and takes 46,225 gold to make. This is also the cost to make the first instant finish.



Situation 1:

The first instant finish costs 5,000 gold.

The second instant finish costs 10,000 gold.

The third instant finish costs 20,000 gold.

The fourth instant finish costs 40,000 gold.

The fifth instant finish costs 80,000 gold.

The sixth instant finish costs 160,000 gold.

The seventh instant finish costs 320,000 gold.

The eighth instant finish costs 640,000 gold.


With 1 million gold you can instant finish 7 potions which costs you 635,000 gold and gets you 140 XP.




Situation 2:

The first instant finish costs 46,225 gold.

The second instant finish costs 92,450 gold.

The third instant finish costs 184,900 gold.

The fourth instant finish costs 369,800 gold.
The fourth instant finish costs 739,600 gold.


With 1 million gold you can instant finish 4 potions which costs you 693,375 gold and gets you 200 XP.




Situation 3:

The first instant finish costs 5,000 gold.

The second instant finish costs 10,000 gold. After this we switch to the 215 / 215 potion.

The third instant finish costs 184,900 gold.

The fourth instant finish costs 369,800 gold.
The fourth instant finish costs 739,600 gold.


With 1 million gold you can instant finish 4 potions which costs you 569,700 gold and gets you 120 XP.




Situation 4:

The first instant finish costs 46,225 gold.

The second instant finish costs 92,450 gold.

The third instant finish costs 184,900 gold.
The fourth instant finish costs 369,800 gold. After this we switch to the 54 / 54 potion.

The fifth instant finish costs 80,000 gold.

The sixth instant finish costs 160,000 gold.

The seventh instant finish costs 320,000 gold.


With 1 million gold you can instant finish 6 potions which costs you 933,375 gold and gets you 240 XP.





  • Situation 1: 7 potions; 635,000 gold; 140 XP.
  • Situation 2: 4 potions; 693,375 gold; 200 XP.
  • Situation 3: 4 potions; 569,700 gold; 120 XP.
  • Situation 4: 6 potions; 933,375 gold; 240 XP.


The 4th situation earns us the most XP. And considering we were looking to spend 1 million gold to get as much XP as possible it is the winner here.

Between situation 1 and 2 I would definitely go for 2; it is only slightly more expensive and earns us a lot more XP.

As we can see situation 3 (although slightly the cheapest) earns us the least XP, and is probably not preferred.: situation 2 earns us much more XP. You could even go for situation 2 and not make the last potion. This will be cheaper and give you more XP than situation 3 would.


aa0007 came up with a list that shows us that 250 XP can be reached with 1 million gold.

I have only used 2 potions here to keep it simple. And I came pretty close (240 XP).

There is a wide arsenal of potion skill levels and durations that are available and there are no doubt better combinations of potions that will get you to 250 XP for 1 million gold (or less). :)




General rules of thumb iIf you want to spend a certain amount of gold and want the most XP out of instant finish:

  • Do not stick with 1 potion all the time.
  • Big potions first; smaller potions last.


#810221 Development Roadmap

Posted by Savanc on 06 September 2013 - 00:05

It's only a few minutes after the server midnight. Still close enough to "evening" in my book.

And Hoof has been working really hard on it. ;)

#796692 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by Savanc on 20 June 2013 - 05:52

This is why I was leery of the idea.
As for the medal, no skill required, just lots of gold. It would appear to me that this particular one is up for sale to the highest bidder.


True, but there are more medals that work this way (or partly work this way).

The gold hoarding buff is even worse in terms of being able to buy it.

The Arena medal is partly skill, but if someone lacks it he/she can just use lots of gold to join lots of arenas and they will probably still win a few.

With money you can have people scout SEs for you, so SE hunting becomes easier, but actually killing them requires some skill (unless you are a high level player that is hunting low level SEs).

The Best Player medal requires a lot of sublevelling which is nearly impossible without money.

If potionmaking would have a medal than having money is very likely going to be a fast way of getting the medal.




Also, what's going to happen when all these potions become available?  Someone mentioned earlier making a potion good for 60 hours. Isn't this going a bit overboard?


I was the one who mentioned that potion of 60 hours.

Sure, it is a very powerful potion, but to be honest I doubt anyone in their right mind would make it. The 400 items that I bought before breaking down items went live were mostly fully forged Unique and LE items that give 6-8 fragments. The price of this potion for me would have been around 450-500 FSP.


Any sane person would instead make something like 60 potions that each last an hour. (at 8 FSP per potion)

Or 30 potions with 2 level 250 skills in them that last 1 hour. (at 16 FSP per potion)

Or 20 potions with 3 level 250 skills in them that last 1 hour. (at 24 FSP per potion)



Isn't there anyway to link the breakdown to gear within 25 levels of your level?  Otherwise the lower levels are going to be mined, making the experience for starting players much less than enjoyable.


That would make composing impossible for some people.

There are no level 1601+ SEs, Crystalline or Common items.

For some other levels there aren't any SEs, LEs or Crystalline items within 25 levels.


And what is wrong with mining the lower levels. I have gotten a lot of positive messages from low level players who were really happy that I bought their items. Some even started to farm items so they could get a few FSP which they otherwise wouldn't have access to...

#153030 Fallensword forum

Posted by Savanc on 22 October 2012 - 23:34

As long as people can choose their forum styles they will be happy. ;)

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