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Member Since 15 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2017 23:11

#976285 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Bunnybee on 03 February 2017 - 21:57




#965484 Stat Changing Skill Levels in Super Pots Are Harmful

Posted by Bunnybee on 07 July 2016 - 02:23

My thoughts on these potions: One, if you're going to run a game with no level cap, something I have never seen anywhere else (which is not to say it doesn't exist), and you're going to have part of that game include pvp between a ridiculously wide range of levels, you'd better give the little guys a way to reach up some. Otherwise it's not very much fun. Really. There have got to be some equalizers around here. These potions don't quite accomplish that, but they help a lot. 


Two, people have put a lot of resources into maximizing this skill, and I'm sick of seeing things given, and then carelessly taken away. Some thought should be given to them. I'm honestly a little offended, on their behalf. 


Everyone has access to the development of the skill, if you want it, figure it out. 

#933696 May 23rd (2015)

Posted by Bunnybee on 27 May 2015 - 01:23

I had fun, thanks Egami.  :)

#922320 XP Loss By Bounty Hunter

Posted by Bunnybee on 03 March 2015 - 20:11

What took the "spark" out of the Bounty Board was so much more than one thing... Let's add all the discouraging new practices effecting PvP(take your pick) such as PvP protection, attaining Stomper points only on BB and Ladder, Prestige only earned every 3rd day, and the awful gold thieving and MT rates. On top of that we could add the lack of any real rewards/incentives to PvP. The lack of PvP is what has dropped Bounty Board activity, not one little aspect of the BB. What started this is the constant capitulation to making the game EASIER, making xp loss nearly non existent. I'm a little shocked it has taken this long for acknowledgement of a problem.


There's my two cents.



I'm all for experience loss wherever, sounds good to me. But talking about experience loss while bounty hunting does seem a little like debating how to roast a bunny that's already run away. 


What bounty board? 


And that was a big part of this game to a lot of people, and they would like to see it resurrected. Give people more reason to engage in pvp. Regular 100 stams counting off the board toward the medal, better gold takes, more reasons to hold gold. Something! (Everything?)  :P


So yes, exp loss for bounty hunting, absolutely. But the health of the board itself should also be addressed. 

#883003 Ladder & BB: Interval between hits when deflected

Posted by Bunnybee on 31 July 2014 - 02:40

I voted yes, but for me Deflect should work on a completelly different way.

Deflect should be just like SSI, higher the levels more 'Deflect HP' you'll have, after 6 times (?) the buff will be knocked out and you'll lose it, until you or someone else give you the buff.

But, of course, still with the same % of chance to activate.

That is a seriously great idea. 

#876619 So Ladder Hits Are Still Bountyable

Posted by Bunnybee on 30 June 2014 - 01:11

Pvp has had somewhat too many ridiculously narrowing restrictions applied to it over the past few years, why continue the trend? Is the ladder pvp or not? I feel that it is, a very interesting form of it even, especially when people are  really throwing themselves into it. Where does this seemingly driving need to dumb it down and make it 'safe' come from? Stop already. The bounty board has always been about 'taking care' of things anyway, it's part of it. Yes I realize it's bad form to bounty ladder hits, but certainly we can develop our own approach to that without Cow intervention.

#875613 PvP ladder rewards players who don't even make an attack

Posted by Bunnybee on 25 June 2014 - 19:54

Just make it possible to hit guild mates, on the ladder and off. How hard is that? What difference does it make? Exclude bounties only maybe, and open the rest up. Problem solved. 

#875605 Arena Update v2.48

Posted by Bunnybee on 25 June 2014 - 19:37

If you're going to make the ladder even more it's own encapsulated side game, remove smasher credit. Give it it's own medal or something, for successful attacks. Put smasher credits where they have always belonged anyway- in open pvp. Then watch the bounty board come back, game excitement, and increased interest and activity across multiple fronts. My understanding is this was recently discussed anyway as an option, a return to "old style pvp." 

#868793 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by Bunnybee on 15 May 2014 - 16:30

My understanding is that no buffs are off limits, which would be silly. I see some discussion of this and that in relation to them in the thread. I would expect everyone to use every tool at their disposal. Buffing other people with stat crippling buffs is low in my opinion, and we would not do that- but that's what preferences are for.  

#868660 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by Bunnybee on 15 May 2014 - 00:52

Warrior Kings is in, but I can make no promises to avoid targets just because they say they don't want to participate. If that is a solid prerequisite, we will participate unofficially. 

#862438 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by Bunnybee on 13 April 2014 - 04:30

How we are affecting the game? When pvp was strong the game was too, and that's a clear fact. You can't blame the decline on us, not when it was changes that overtly favored the other half of the Fallen Sword community that gradually led us here. This is a good game, and it can be again. It was always the people who made it good anyway- people like Necra. 

#861964 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by Bunnybee on 11 April 2014 - 04:09

Fix it. I've been waiting for years, I haven't given up on this game. Bring pvp back, it was fine once. Watering it down more only hurts everyone. I don't know what else to say that has not been said already. When a road you take doesn't work out, forget the time you wasted on it, just get off. What difference does it make, if everything turns out well in the end? Take us back to how we were. It wasn't broken. 

#794511 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Bunnybee on 08 June 2013 - 18:24

Okay so this is nutty, but I'm going to totally agree with Doomy here...he makes the same points I would like to make myself. It's an abuse of the system, clearly. 


And um, I'm not trying to make anyone's game lives terrible. Come on now. And by the way, that assumption has nothing to do with anything in this thread. It's closing a loop hole- kind of like when every hit was made bountyable. That was one I liked, but I was big enough to let it go with a straight face. It wasn't right, and I knew it.  


Posted by Bunnybee on 15 January 2012 - 03:11

If a person likes to go around poking sleeping lions, you can hardly blame the lion when it takes issue with being poked. Trying to garner sympathy, and claiming the role of victim, strikes me as at least slightly absurd.

Also- I like maple syrup. No doubt that is about as interesting.

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