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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2020 00:54

Topics I've Started

Another Guild falls victim!

14 July 2013 - 23:30

Well i find myself in the same area as those others who have lost their guilds, 2 months ago my pc broke and had no way of getting onto fallensword, when i returned i find my guild Change of Heart in the hands of a new founder, new members and now i find myself having lost everything, all my money spent in this game, thousands of fsp gone,titan hunting and inventing, all down the drain. How can HuntedCow studios continue to let this ruin players enjoyment of a great game, Im disgusted by the game mechs here. No other game would let players do this. Im really angry by how players can loophole and get away with doing this.

Ancient Creatures and Items

24 December 2012 - 02:26

While i was thinking that pretty much all of the old SE items are near enough worthless nowadays, we need a new idea to cycle them out.
Ok my idea goes, why not invent a new form of creature called an 'Ancient'. HCS can spawn these creatures throughout all the realms and use the same coding as chests currently are in-game. These creatures will drop recipes, resources(To keep them rare and worthwhile finding) and use all of the old SE items in order to cycle them out, in which to invent a new type of item called an Ancient Item. (Stats still to be discussed). Ancient items will be regonised by the colour Brown.

Next question is how should these Ancient items work?
* Should we have them give better stats than epics
* make them non repairable or repairable
* Should Ancient items only be single stat items only(they are Ancient after all)

Feedback Appreciated

Increase Component Space - Gold Upgrade

14 December 2012 - 00:50

Could we please have a new gold upgrade which allows us to increase our component space please. Thank You

New Super Elite's due anytime soon ???

09 December 2012 - 17:36

With all these new titans added to the game, could we also have a few new super elites added aswell ? thanks :)

Lag Again

10 November 2012 - 13:57

Hoof theres seems to be alot of lag happening now, took me 10 secs to load log page.

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