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Anam Charaid

Member Since 28 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2021 20:46

Posts I've Made

In Topic: PvP prestige.

18 November 2016 - 17:38

As a card carrying, absolute HATER of PvP I vote to leave it as is. If it becomes more advantageous for someone to attack me...well, that would probably signal my final adieu from FS. Just speaking for myself. 

In Topic: Daily Quests - sneak peek!

30 August 2016 - 01:08

I think it's a good idea, the reward is rubbish, 5 max stamina? We can only do a years worth of them based off that and earn 1,000 ish max stam? Rewards need to be better, maybe 20 max stam?  Also I would like to see a bonus for example you complete every daily quest in a week to earn a bonus. A nice bonus such as 1 BP slot, AH slot, something that costs a bit to make the effort. Like titans, i use to hunt them to make nice fsp, now most of them are worthless and I dont play much because its difficult to make a descent amount of fsp. There needs to be a good reward for us to make a effort. For 5 max stam, forget it. Also what's with the collect thing? why not have an automated thing once you completed it like normal quests. It's not difficult at all to do. If i do a quest and forget to collect, that would be annoying. I know the quests are different before someone says, but 5 max stamina, come on! Maybe get the rewards better after each one until the end of the week and refresh. That means you want to make the effort daily to come on and get your prizes! Not come and go as you like and think ooo ill do this one, then the next day be like, that's rubbish, ill leave that one today (maybe have a list to show what you can earn during the week). Just throwing my ideas and input. Feel free to add or adjust anything.

They posted an example, not a given...sheesh!

Love the idea. Best mod to the game for a long time.

In Topic: Daily Events

07 July 2016 - 02:32

I love the idea. I think giving FSP's as a reward is the best as they can be used by the individual in any way they wish; different rewards would limit interests. Also, know that there will always be those who will complain and not be pleased NO MATTER WHAT. This is the best idea I have heard in a long time. I believe this would make the game more fun and interesting at the same time. 

In Topic: Top Stamina Holders List

15 February 2016 - 22:22

Sure, why not see who holds all kinds of records and/or positions. Anything to add fun to the game is OK by me. I see nothing negative about this whatsoever. I totally disagree with anyone who says that doing this would bring pressure on the big stam holders. I believe it would be just the opposite and would give the smaller players a chance to see their potential. The game is only a fraction of the size it used to be anyway and we are basically a big group of mostly friends. The way guilds are merging and shrinking now has gotten to the point of there being only a handful of super guilds anyway. Look at the number of participants in guilds not in the top 15 and you'll know what I mean. Show the list and lets get to know each other better and have fun.

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