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Member Since 26 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2016 02:34

Topics I've Started

Daily missions

28 September 2016 - 18:50

I have been refraining from collecting completed tasks in daily/alliance missions to save hero exp rewards for the hero exp event. Since the update, once i get to nine completed tasks I no longer qualify for new missions. I believe before the update that i could stock up to 20 completed tasks before this occurred. Is this bug or trying to reduce lag issues or to handicap f2p?

Public coordinat announcement?

14 September 2016 - 22:55

We have an individual in alpha1 that seems to get joy from announcing peoples coordinates in global chat. This has had the result of angering a good portion of the speakers, had the individual zero'd multiple times and started a hate movement toward the individual. I was thinking that if it was possible to add the coordinate system to the censorship program in place would alleviate this issue. I do not know if this can be applied only to the global channel as it definitely affect coordinating attacks in alliance chat.

Main base health/hit points?

14 September 2016 - 01:50

I was wondering if the health of our base was a constant or if it is affected by building upgrades/research/hero stats? If so is there a way to veiw this variable?

Suggestion for outpost

13 September 2016 - 20:26

I was wondering if in a future update that the "info" button be applied to outposts. The same options that are on a main base is what i am referring to when you select from the world map. I am having dificulty getting into contact with an individual that we would like to either join our alliance or move their outpost. They are quite a bit underpowered compaired to us an we would have no issue removing the individual if it comes down to that, but we prefer to leave that as a last resort.

Closest race ever:gambling den event

13 September 2016 - 04:45

So, it seems there is a visual bug with this event. A lot of frustration with ppl that spent $$$ for rank seemingly. Tier reward screen has same result with a zero score and no progress on the tier meter. Attached File  image.png   630.57KB   77 downloads

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