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Member Since 06 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2013 17:42

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Game Update 2.075

18 December 2012 - 11:04

and while I do dislike these complainers, they have a point, yes I know it's harder to make gold as a potion seller/leveler, so as stated prior, remove the gold amounts from the find players list, it's works out better, cause PVPers have to actually look at your profile to see if they want to hit you, and no I don't want to buy things in bulk, who wants to buy 5 greater doubler potions when they can only use 1 every couple of days, seriously, make our lives easier, have the gold people bid go back to them once they get outbid on an auction by another player, at least that way the gold they think is "safe" might not be, you bid 1 mill on a potion, fine I'll bid over that so I can smash you for trying to abuse the system

In Topic: Game Update 2.075

18 December 2012 - 10:56

I like having the option to not have your name posted when u put up an auction, it'd either b list your name, risk getting hit, or have it not there and be safer, gold protection wasn't always here, so I don't see why it's diffrent now, you wanna be lazy and log off for 2 days, well fine, some of us more "active" players will find and smash you for all your gold, you don't like it, then either cancel all your auctions b4 u log off, log on when your auctions end(or a couple of them end), or you can stop crying and get over it, you lost some gold, well if it's as important as you are making it, you'll come on before 2 days pass and deposit/make it dissapear, I'm not really into PVP, I'll do it sometimes but not all the time, and I find it's really annoying when everyone is complaining about something not being here that wasn't initialy intended, and then even suggesting an even worse idea, "gold mailbox", seriously, at least u had to pay for the last one, now you want to make it free, what a joke, PVP was here b4 inventing incase some of you forgot, so I don't see why it should die off b4 inventing

In Topic: Titan Hunting Changes

08 November 2012 - 00:19

FFS and other titan hogging factions have finally been thwarted, maybe it isn't going to be as grand, but it'll at least let newer guilds a chance at these epics :) , I don't think it's fair to have the only way to get the titan epics is to either battle it thousands of times just for the tkp to get the item, or get like 300 FSP at least to buy it

In Topic: Top Rated

03 March 2013 - 17:02

a nice thought, but unless we get 200-300 more active people, the games status is not likely to change

In Topic: DarkWolves Are Looking to Recruit!

13 February 2013 - 16:02

any activity is better then none, if we get more peeps playin, SS2's future might not be as bleak as it is

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