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Member Since 18 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2024 12:43

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Double Composing XP CI

27 September 2024 - 20:03

Thank you for letting the community know about this event!

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

23 July 2024 - 20:17


Frag Stashes:
Spread over existing crates
Mixed Frag Type Frag Stashes:
Worldly Ruby Frag Stash
Worldly Crystal Frag Stash
Worldly Gold Frag Stash
Worldly Silver Frag Stash
Worldly Bronze Frag Stash
Single FragType Frag Stashes:
Worldly SE Frag Stash
Worldly Crystalline Frag Stash
Worldly Legendary Frag Stash
Worldly Unique Frag Stash
Worldly Rare Frag Stash
Worldly Common Frag Stash


I am still very much in favor of tossing all of these stashes into the bin.

In Topic: Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide Updated!

20 June 2024 - 22:55


Hi there everyone.
The Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide has now been fully updated. 
If anything is still missing, please let us know.
~ The Fallen Sword Team 


Still missing the item count on each item entry.

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

20 June 2024 - 22:54

Hey there.


So, what we're looking at for the Crates is as follows. 


Possible Potions: 


Conserve 800. 60m. Sure
Adept Learner 800. 60m. Sure
Light Foot 1500. 60m. Sure
Overkill 1100. 60m. SE Drop already - either way.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m. Sure
Counter Attack 300. 60m. Eliminate entirely - no.
Invigorate 1000. 720m. Sure
Frag stashes:
Worldly Frag Stashes, Bronze to Ruby. These are the mixed frags, similar to those in the Globals, just with more Frags and unbound. No
Then we have : 
Worldly SE Frag Stash No
Worldly Crystal Frag Stash No
Worldly Legendary Frag Stash No
Worldly Unique Frag Stash No
Worldly Rare Frag Stash No
Worldly Common Frag Stash No
Frag Stashes with a single type of Frag. Higher quantity and unbound. No
Frag stashes are not needed - at all. This would clog up the new chest drops. Eliminate Frag Stashes entirely.
Loyalty Point Crates
Probably going to be able to do Loyalty Point crates, similar to the Mystic Shard Crates. Would be released without any fanfare, same as the Mystics. (Though we'd announce them if/when implemented.) Yes - best idea in this post.




Would we want these added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones?


Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity?


~ Grim

Responses in orange.


All the potion ideas are driven toward PvE only. How about some PvP potion content as well? And/or, this is the opportunity to add new potions to the game that already exist within the Skill Guide: Immobilise Titan, Trendy.

In Topic: Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

19 June 2024 - 16:37


We would like to present the roadmap for July - October 2023!
As always, the roadmaps are a guide and are subject to change.
It's been a bit of a strange year for us so far, but we hope the roadmap gives you a rough idea as to what's coming. With Hoof being away, it would be unfair to give an accurate date as to when the GvG updates will be implemented, however, it will be the next thing we plan to deliver when Hoof is back in action!
We understand there has been a fair few of you asking for Arena updates, so we'd like to spend some time seeing what we can do to improve it. As we are navigating these next few months, there may be opportunities we can slip in some extra things here and there.
We do have some new skills planned for the end of this year, so we will likely make a forum thread to allow you to give feedback before they are implemented.
We appreciate everyone who have given their time to provide feedback and can only ask for your patience as we head into the latter half of the year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer -- remember to stay hydrated!
~ The Fallen Sword Team


Over a year now and still nothing related to an arena update.

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