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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 18:33

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Super Elite!

06 April 2024 - 18:25

Is it active ? - haven't seen a single kill on it yet in the SE log since launch - and I've been checking semi-frequently. Normally at least 1 location has been found by now ?

In Topic: Composing

20 January 2024 - 21:47



I've just noticed that the FSH now informs you of the cost - thanks so much Pointy :)

In Topic: Flight of Dragons, Wave 3!

03 January 2024 - 18:20

Does the new dragon have an egg ? - only curious 'cos there's LOADS of armour and gloves in the AH, but no eggs (at the time of looking .. )

In Topic: Double XP Event!

21 December 2023 - 18:56

Anyone willing to share the new Champ locations ? :)

In Topic: Composing

11 December 2023 - 01:04

anything has to be better than the current system which is ridiculous..

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