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Member Since 05 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2023 20:43

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I just can not type in the name of a character,.. !

29 January 2015 - 21:15

I haven't seen anyone with the problem you have so hopefully things get sorted out so you can join us in game. :)

I'm also not sure how often the bug reports sections get looked at so you might want to try sending in a ticket with the details and wait for a dev to respond. https://www.huntedcow.com/support

In Topic: Mainly technical suggestions

02 January 2015 - 10:58

Good suggestions.  :D I like the 5th one especially since it makes the game a bit more realistic which would be interesting in roleplay.

6th/7th suggestions I actually never had a problem with but I could understand how adding additional information would be helpful for people. I just memorize the areas while running around and if I forget something then I look it up in the Wikia xD  :lol:

In Topic: bugs for Devs to look at

22 December 2014 - 19:53

3. TR loot drops:    so since the fix the 2 handed items have started dropping now but still no throwing weapons drop there even though they are on the loot drop table. i here off Ana that no essence's are in the loot table but all other dungeons have essnece drops in them if we could maybe have some in tr? upto you on that one but throwing weapons fix would be good.

I've been running TR (story and dungeon) and I've gotten throwing weapons pretty often (got at least 4 of them last night) so I'm not sure if it's a bug. :3 

In Topic: Help me about problem rechager Eldevin Point

16 December 2014 - 19:14

Players won't be able to help you with this. You'll need to send in a ticket and wait for the devs to help. https://www.huntedcow.com/support

In Topic: I cant confirm my account!!!

08 December 2014 - 18:40

If nothing works out then you could try linking one of your cards to a PayPal account. One of my friends' cards didn't work when we tried using it for Eldevin so I told him to link it to PayPal and that worked for him.

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