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24 August 2018 - 15:37
Hee hee
Well the evil twin is gone now but there's a plot that we can't access. Still shows that it's being used, hours after the guy left.
01 February 2018 - 13:22
assisting the preparations
assisting the preparations.png 78.65KB 53 downloads
timber for repairs
directional dyslexia.png 119.94KB 50 downloads
should say east
subtle invasion: grammar error
subtle invasion: grammer.png 73.26KB 52 downloads
"between" is a preposition. We need to use Subjective pronouns in a prepositional phrase ("me"), not Objective (I).
typo.png 150.99KB 51 downloads
pretty sure you mean to use "tomb" here. somebody is stealing from graves, not pilfering books.
typo -- partial constructs.png 78.45KB 51 downloads
needs to read "built"