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Member Since 06 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2020 18:18

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Player Feedback

08 December 2013 - 00:33

I agree with a relic tutorial, but generally every question has been answered patiently by the community. And I do ask a lot of questions. Zook probably figured by now  :rolleyes:


What annoys me as a new player is the fact i need to drag'n'drop items and that I can't autoloot. 

I have not found a way to quickly bank/sell (Shift + Click for example instead of dragging) and quickly loot (Shift + Click instead of confirmation).

In Topic: URGENTLY NEEDED: Quest Finder

08 December 2013 - 00:28

Why not? I'd personally actually prefer that the quest directs me to the starting NPC. I don't even need quest markers later on but not finding the starting NPC sucks.

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