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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2017 01:36

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Daily Events

07 July 2016 - 12:51

oh yeah, I remember why I don't comment on here now

In Topic: Daily Events

07 July 2016 - 12:22

love the idea of daily events!


Gold rewards for guild daily events & fsp rewards for player daily events would be more fair,  then the prize could be withdrawn by founder & split between the participants if that's what each guild decides they'd like to do

high level potion rewards would also be a good thing for individual rewards

In Topic: Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

03 August 2015 - 23:46

love the new updates, do I really have to keep paying gold to skip the same player several times in a row? should be lots of targets available, if I get deflected I get brought right back to that player, same as if I skip them for gold though. 

In Topic: PvP Season Update Completed

25 July 2015 - 12:54

I like the update.

People who are most active have the most risk of having bounty posted, and corresponding xp loss.

Bounty hunters don't get hit or bountied for taking bounties which puts the risk back on those who are attacking in pvp instead of those that are hitting back. the buddy system is eliminated, mostly, as everyone gets hit the same. 

Definitely were some roll out issues but hell, that's a given with something this complicated. I think the first day of chaos was sort of fun in its own way especially if you fix the xp loss for those that really really don't like pvp. The opt out is a good thing for those pure levelers, I don't think it should be in the game as there's pvp protection to buy but that's not my call. 


At any rate we definitely needed something to shake things up a bit, and this makes the pvp part of the game much more entertaining than trying to stay alive in the old mess. 

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