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Member Since 31 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2014 04:20

Topics I've Started

Smuggled goods

30 June 2014 - 10:54



Today in worldchat we were discussing this and thing that kept comming up was that they're to good atm.


Meaning there should be some kind of payment to trade the resources back to items. You added a smuggled coin. Why don't add some kind of currency out of those. 


For example for you need 1 Smuggled gold coin to exchange 500 resources to form smuggled to regular form. (I said 500 but could probly work also with 250 if you increased the smuggled gold drop rate a bit)


Because there is already people banking lvl 50 in resources... I personally don't really care alot for that but I guess some crafters who don't want to go to TA are left out because:


1. Sacks continue dropping in value as people rather bank dailies in smuggled form now as it takes alot less space... Sacks are only used for people who're still training skills atm. 


2. They already gather alot faster. Best example I for example never get attaked as I don't really got alot of people that're really hating on me. (Except for ben, xpwaste etc) as they kill everyone. 


3. Double respawn times and double gathering is already enough. There is nearly no other gathering spot which has nodes that close and fast spawning near to eachother. I'm pretty sure for most resources you gather 3x faster in TA.



So I personally think you should change something about the 999 stacking because atm. The smuggled goods are just way to overpowered. 



As always fill me up with things i probly did forget.





Unbinding fusion powder

28 June 2014 - 20:19




As tittle said: Many of the full geared people are having huge issues with getting enough fusion powder. For a tank like myself it's really hard to get enough fusion powder to fuse my gems. Thus i'm always needing a fuse service. I don't care letting a lvl 20 fuse my glims/defined ones but i'm getting to the point where i'm going Absolut/Supreme and radiant. And I don't think it's going to be economy breaking to make fusion powder unbound.


Post feedback and things i forgot about.

The beatifull new empathy

21 June 2014 - 19:02



May i congratulate you again on a magnificent fix.

  • Empathy no longer treat heals as damage to the caster.

I must admit the change is so much better!


To bad you fucked something up in the meanwhile with empathy, I can't even keep the aggro of my healers 5 sec after empathy runs out. This way resulting in whipe city. A crit healer no longer works. 


Which brings me again to the same point: You're always saying you test stuff before implementing it. 



I haven't even tried to run another ASV with someone else as i just raged and quit for good this time I guess... 


Fact remains that templar just keep having issues. Templar and healers already are the most needed class ingame and you guys just lost another one... I just hope you guys start thinking about templar regarding fixes... The class is on the edge of enjoyable and pure agony... I'm sure it probly is only a small failure in the new empathy but every small change we as tanks feel so hard...


And I find it hard to believe the added talents (Born for combat) and Fortified (100% bonus threath) work properly as I should be generating 2.5x or 3x more aggro as healers/dps (the 2.5-3x is depending on how the extra %s work)


Also make threath understandable, because atm I as one of the better tanks around (Don't care if it sounds cocky) Don't even understand how the bonus talents work in reliance to defensive stance and even the way empathy transfers aggro like the 50% I get from it, Does it also take talents/stance in account?


Dps Balance

20 June 2014 - 20:31




I've been trying out alot of diffrent dungeon setups and for every dungeon I come to same conclusion...

Warriors are by far the best dps followed by 2 ranger and 1 warrior group as that way you have great aoe and decent single target damage... I personally don't mind running with mages or assassins. But It kinda pisses me of that in every point of view they're worthless compared to Rangers/warriors.


Every tank who ran a significant amount of RG/BT/ARG/ASV will aggree with me when i say that every warrior in the team makes the run faster... We came to a point where the massive single target damage an assassin generates no longer weights upto the AOE dps of Rangers but mainly warriors...


Atm bringing a mage is slowing your runs down with a few mins because their AOE is nearly to unexisting 'again compared to warriors'. Why don't you make the single target damage of sins 20% higher? (The abilities but let bleeds no longer ignore armor, this way they don't become even more OP in pvpp and they're able to add upto some dungeons. Because atm there is no advantage to bringing an assassin or a mage.


Also why not improve the dragon breath of mages? It's not like it's a real pvp spell... Atm I think it's safe to say that Johndaymon's dps as a mage is a beast and therefor i see him as probly the best pve mage... Why would the best pve mage do less aoe then any mediocre ranger? 


Btw atm the impale boost helps alot in dungeons with keeping aggro (but tank still has room for improvement before becoming op)


Why not add a bit of love to the 2 previously named classes? Atm assassins and mages have no benefits for dungeon runs, which is why they're often left out of dungeon runs... A warrior/ranger completes his set alot faster than assassins/mages because they just don't get asked for dungeons as often.



And don't nerf warriors or rangers as that'll piss them off, And nerfing is never a solution.



EDIT: Maybe some ideas from mages/sins self? As they'll have a better idea of what they're lacking/needing.

Loot dice

19 June 2014 - 14:12




I'd like you to check the "random" loot dice of:






As it's disgusting how much loot they get... I really doubt it's "random"

And it can't be luck cus they always get everything... 


So HCS be honest is it totally random or are there other variables accounted into them aswell?



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