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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2016 17:39

Topics I've Started

Yet Another Avi/Sig Contest - Ends November 5th

21 October 2013 - 06:49

As stated, I have yet another Avatar/Signature contest, this one allows for a bit more freedom within the submissions, and will be operating on a more complex theme.


Theme: "Love Knows No Bounds" (Cliche, I know)




Text: Bornwicked or B.W.




Text: Love Knows No Bounds


Watermarks and enjoy yourself.


Now the fun stuff, prizes, Signatures and Avatars will be judged separately




1st Place: 20fsps


2nd Place: 10fsps


3rd Place: 5fsps




1st Place: 30fsps


2nd Place: 15fsps


3rd Place: 10fsps


Yes, you can make multiple submissions and submit a piece as a combo of a signature and avatar.

Avatar Contest - Fallensword

10 September 2013 - 05:26

I am currently mostly interested in NFL based Avatars, (preferably with the athlete "in action") the 49ers being the favorite, but try your luck with your favorite star, don't skimp, creating your own backgrounds as many do makes every piece even more unique!


Be sure to include - A watermark of sorts, and sample text(My username if you'd prefer, no guild name)



1st: 20fsps




- Placement is done by the Avatar, not the artist (payment of course, for the artist) meaning that, one person can take 1st - 3rd


and as usual for any Avatar Contest - 1fsp for any Avatar that I find appealing outside of the top 3.


Deadline: September 30th


Good luck!

World Chat Mods

22 August 2013 - 18:20

Since the world chat was implemented i've seen the question raised a few times about why are there world chat mods, what is their purpose, why were they chosen and if we can recieve a list of those chosen to be chat mods. Because of the amount of times i've seen these questions raised, already, so soon into the release of the World Chat, I decided to create this forum topic and poll, feel free to vote and leave comments below.


World Chat Mods:

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