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New Arena Potions Added!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 16:51

Hi there everyone.


Today we have added 4 brand new potions to the Arena.


Drakes Tonic of Absorption for 100 tokens. (Absorb 350. 90 minute duration.)
Scarlet Draft of Evasion for 100 tokens. (Evade 500. 90 minute duration.)
Cerulean Brew of Fortification for 100 tokens. (Fortify 500. 90 minute duration.)
Balanced Potion of Defending for 150 tokens. (Defensive Aura 250. Layered Armor 250. 90 minute duration.)
These are available now!
Other buffs we are still considering :
Aura of Protection 250.
Epic Forge 225.
Rockskin 500.
Arterial Strike 500/1000.
Shield Wall 200 or 225.
We look forward to feedback regarding these new potions and those proposed. We also welcome feedback regarding cost of the new Potions.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#2 Kbyte



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 17:09

Some good ones added now ;)



Other buffs we are still considering :

Aura of Protection 250.
Epic Forge 225.
Rockskin 500.
Arterial Strike 500/1000.
Shield Wall 200 or 225.
We look forward to feedback regarding these new potions and those proposed. We also welcome feedback regarding cost of the new Potions.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.


Shield Wall 255 is the max in composing and it takes long time and just increases +5 every level up on composing so SW 200 would be good enought already


Zorgrom vs Shroud has an chest with EF 250 the EF pot could be level 200 or 225


High AS would making multiple hits maybe an also good alternative in leveling but at level 500 would not make much difference from normal AS 300 available by now.

#3 Kbyte



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 17:17

Today we have added 4 brand new potions to the Arena.


Drakes Tonic of Absorption for 100 tokens. (Absorb 350. 90 minute duration.)
Scarlet Draft of Evasion for 100 tokens. (Evade 500. 90 minute duration.)
Cerulean Brew of Fortification for 100 tokens. (Fortify 500. 90 minute duration.)
Balanced Potion of Defending for 150 tokens. (Defensive Aura 250. Layered Armor 250. 90 minute duration.)
These are available now!



Absorb could be level 300 instead because at level 350 it is already getting a bit high for just 100 aren tokens


Defensive Aura and Layered Armor pot could be at level 225 => it is already two EOC buffs in just one pot

#4 Tastria



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 17:20

Aura of Protection 250.
Epic Forge 225.
Rockskin 500.
Arterial Strike 500/1000.
Shield Wall 200 or 225
   I was mullin' this over, and while Rockskin at 500 seems to  be a fair setting, Arterial Strike at 1000 might be just a tad high.
These are potions after all, and a good dose of Distil can still give them a boost. 

#5 Kbyte



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 17:55

It's weird seeing buff master pot on arena shop with 160 min, is it right or it was meant to be 180 min instead?

#6 TRBLmaker



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 18:10

I'd rather see the Layered Armor and Defensive Aura separated with 100 tokens or 75


#7 Belaric



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 18:51

I know it has its boosters, but I'm not certain about AS 1000.


Arterial strike's description: Gain aditional 0.1% xp per point for every additional round of combat. (Note this does not activate if conserve activated)


So a distilled 1000 pot will give 115% XP for every additional round of combat. Every. Round. I don't think it will be that hard to get a set up plus buffs to generate a 5-15 round combat. 8-12 for safety. The hyper numerate among us will push it to 18-19. (I am assuming at 20 rounds it gets declared a draw). If the 115% compounds with each round of combat an ungodly amount of XP will be gained and I can see 1 combat per level being the norm. IF the XP gain is enough it could end up being more stam efficient, even with the loss of conserve.


Is that better for the game?


Lower levels who can use it may level faster towards EOC. Keeps them engaged, that is a plus.


EOC guys with big stam banks may keep up with new content with even less effort than now. (IF my guess at the amount of XP to be gained from multiple rounds of combat is true.) Notso much a plus.


So would this not be another rod for HCS's back in terms of creating more demand for content they can't fulfil?



I like the idea of creating interest in 2+ hit set ups, but wonder if AS 1000 pots will simply change the focus from 1 hit to 10+ hit set ups, and the issues with content etc. will not change at all, or possibly worsen! LOL!




I suppose it is up to BG, and Hoof and the coding team to look at what the consequences would be of folk doing 15 (for instance) round combats with AS 1150, and how that would compare to 15 1 hit kills with a big conserve activating in terms of XP gained, and how even it is. if there is little to no change from 1 hitting currently - why not - if it turns into a far greater gain of XP/stam than currently 1 hittting - will HCS want to make levelling easier by another method, and increase demand on their content team? Their call. 

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#8 Corrupted



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 19:06

I'd rather see the Layered Armor and Defensive Aura separated with 100 tokens or 75


#9 Leos3000



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 19:09

I like the amount of thought that an arterial strike 1000 could bring to leveling, as every level could require a new set to utilize the buff since creature stats constantly change.

Anything less than 1000 is not really that point full, as remember you are now using more combat rounds which use more stamina.

A distilled pot gives an equivalent of a 15% gain to xp, which is the same to using a mid level sacrifice pot.

The other thing people have not brought up is that you still get the same amount of gold per combat.. so this style of hunting will also greatly decrease the gold you get per hunt.

Edited by Leos3000, 06 April 2016 - 19:50.

#10 tuvok77



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 21:09

since only a small part actually partakes in Arena, Ive seen in arenas always the same faces and rarely new players, since why would you want to play in when the big guys are lobbying and winning it between each other.


I would wish to see the option to be able to buy Arena tokens at a reduced rate,


Like lets say for 1 FSP you could buy 20 Arena tokens, but you could only buy a max of 40 arena tokens each day.


Arena is faaaar to exclusive even now, no one is sharing working sets, and if one does it they are usually frown upon by the rest of em, its guarded like close secrets since one has to put effort in building the sets. And knowing the odds at which the sets will work and when to switch to others. The most successful guys are to this day the ones who started by trial and error. They feel entitled to it and thats what really irks me. if the whole community are to benefit somehow, you should make the tokens partially buyable, at a limited amount and a fsp price on it maybe 2-3 times as high as it would be turning tokens to gold.



Thats my 2 cents to this matter.


I hope Grim reads this.

#11 shindrak



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 21:14

Astrial strike1000 will bring new way of leveling :) no need to just focus on damage stats only ... it will make other sets useful for leveling

Edited by shindrak, 06 April 2016 - 21:14.

#12 Pardoux



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Posted 06 April 2016 - 22:10

since only a small part actually partakes in Arena, Ive seen in arenas always the same faces and rarely new players, since why would you want to play in when the big guys are lobbying and winning it between each other.


I would wish to see the option to be able to buy Arena tokens at a reduced rate,


Like lets say for 1 FSP you could buy 20 Arena tokens, but you could only buy a max of 40 arena tokens each day.


Arena is faaaar to exclusive even now, no one is sharing working sets, and if one does it they are usually frown upon by the rest of em, its guarded like close secrets since one has to put effort in building the sets. And knowing the odds at which the sets will work and when to switch to others. The most successful guys are to this day the ones who started by trial and error. They feel entitled to it and thats what really irks me. if the whole community are to benefit somehow, you should make the tokens partially buyable, at a limited amount and a fsp price on it maybe 2-3 times as high as it would be turning tokens to gold.



Thats my 2 cents to this matter.


I hope Grim reads this.


Sure, as long as those not on the PvP ladder can buy the prizes there and those who don't titan hunt can buy the drops in a store too,


Can you see where I'm going with that ? LOL


Never gonna happen - you want arena items, earn the tokens or buy 'em in the AH :)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#13 EpicPiety



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 01:24

Breaks the argument about people wanting challenge with as1000. Just give it to us :). Fun fun :)

#14 BigGrim


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Posted 07 April 2016 - 11:41

Arterial Strike 1000 is something Hoofmaster and I shall discuss, pretty much for all the reasons Belaric mentions.

#15 EpicPiety



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 19:39

less effort than now. 

Only thing i disagree with...Would take a lot more effort to use AS 1000.


Will help the FS Market ALOT...suddenly be a demand for way more variety of gear...People would be using different pots/buffs...Think it is a win win in that regard. Its also only a 15% advantage? wanna take the easy way out simply dont use it.

Edited by EpicPiety, 07 April 2016 - 19:40.

#16 smileynirv



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 23:41

Will help the FS Market ALOT...suddenly be a demand for way more variety of gear...People would be using different pots/buffs...Think it is a win win in that regard. Its also only a 15% advantage? wanna take the easy way out simply dont use it.

not only that, it will open up reasons for the cows to make new LEs that give obscure gear that no one knows if it will work or not. a guide for such a thing will be years in the making so only the most dedicated will take the time. I LOVE IT!!!

#17 yodamus



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Posted 11 April 2016 - 17:00

i think someone suggested shield wall..i like that idea..sw200-250 or so....like the use of more than 1 skill in a pot, that can make for some good combo pots for arena.....so far i like the tokens amount needed you have used bg.. keep up the attention to arena prizes...

#18 mary4ever



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Posted 19 April 2016 - 19:08

Arterial Strike 1000 is something Hoofmaster and I shall discuss, pretty much for all the reasons Belaric mentions.

Arterial Strike = Gain additional 0.1% xp per point for every additional round of combat. (Note that this does not activate if conserve activated)


AS 1150 (after distil 150) = +15% XP


(from here out: just thinking out loud)


"theoretically" AS 1150 would give you +15% XP for EVERY ADDITIONAL ROUND of combat !!!


BUT "practically" it can give you A LOT more than that if used "efficiently"


EXPLANATION using my character & experience as an EXAMPLE in combination with AS1150 "efficiently"


when I am hunting with the highest potions (AL, LIB, prestige, ....) I get about 10% of a levels worth of XP hitting a champion (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


an elite would give me about 20% of a levels worth of XP (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


adding AS1150:

50 rounds of combat would let me gain 10 levels from this single elite !!!

(if you manage 100 rounds of combat, difficult but you could earn 20 levels from it alone)


let's take it to the NEXT LEVEL  :P => during XP EVENT all mobs give DOUBLE XP


meaning that now an elite would give me about 40% of a levels worth of XP (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


EVERY 25 content there is an elite so I could level ONLY on elites if I manage to get around 63 rounds of combat !!!

even if I mess up there are still at least 2 champions EVERY 25 content so it will still cost me a lot less stamina (even if I do not use conserve at all) + be faster to level !!!


"formula": damage = HP + armor


of course it is "hardly" possible to get about 63 rounds of combat on every 25 content elite BUT you will get more levels with less stamina this way!!!

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#19 Gutie



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Posted 19 April 2016 - 21:22

Epic Forge and AS 500/100 would be good. We have enough OP Defensive potions in the game as it is. No to the Shield Wall one emphatically.




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#20 Leos3000



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Posted 20 April 2016 - 00:26

Arterial Strike = Gain additional 0.1% xp per point for every additional round of combat. (Note that this does not activate if conserve activated)


AS 1150 (after distil 150) = +15% XP


(from here out: just thinking out loud)


"theoretically" AS 1150 would give you +15% XP for EVERY ADDITIONAL ROUND of combat !!!


BUT "practically" it can give you A LOT more than that if used "efficiently"


EXPLANATION using my character & experience as an EXAMPLE in combination with AS1150 "efficiently"


when I am hunting with the highest potions (AL, LIB, prestige, ....) I get about 10% of a levels worth of XP hitting a champion (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


an elite would give me about 20% of a levels worth of XP (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


adding AS1150:

50 rounds of combat would let me gain 10 levels from this single elite !!!

(if you manage 100 rounds of combat, difficult but you could earn 20 levels from it alone)


let's take it to the NEXT LEVEL  :P => during XP EVENT all mobs give DOUBLE XP


meaning that now an elite would give me about 40% of a levels worth of XP (when LIB863 activates, 83,3% chance) !!!


EVERY 25 content there is an elite so I could level ONLY on elites if I manage to get around 63 rounds of combat !!!

even if I mess up there are still at least 2 champions EVERY 25 content so it will still cost me a lot less stamina (even if I do not use conserve at all) + be faster to level !!!


"formula": damage = HP + armor


of course it is "hardly" possible to get about 63 rounds of combat on every 25 content elite BUT you will get more levels with less stamina this way!!!

20 rounds is the max the game allows... so stop making crazy theories without knowing the game mechanics...


This buff could make leveling much more interesting and less mundane.. Think BG already gave up on it though?

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