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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2018 22:15

Topics I've Started

Less gold in game !!!

13 June 2018 - 17:23

Is it possible to implement in  game a way u can buy with gold an option that will make u loss lvls .

And if so when u do lvl up again ,u will get 20% less gold .

Example 100M gold  -1000 lvls ( u will lose skill points and attribute points )
And if at  a regular lvl up u will get 10M gold after  the perches of the option  u will have 8M gold (this effect will be active on u in till u reach the original lvl u was at )

Medals with rewards

09 February 2018 - 07:29

hi what about something like the guild achievements but for personal character and in 3 lvls ( bronze , silver ,gold ) was thinking something like : 


Master inventor : (or Steam medal ) invent 200 different items ( common or rare ) ore one of each to make it harder invent 100 different items (unique ) invent 10 different items { using arena items and LE quest items from the Token shop (this way some gold go back in the game and will be a more active arena )} ​invent all 3 different chest with the pvp spirit and pvp Trophy(silver ,gold ,crystal ) this to be bronze medal and as a reward + 2 stam gain 


The Predator (or Collector , Blood medal) hunt :100 different Champs hunt : 50 different Elite hunt :100 different LE hunt :25 different SE hunt :10 different Titans (300 kills each titan doubler will work like for the DQ ) Reward + inventory or Ah space up to u guys The Unbreakable (or Unstoppable , medal of tears ) get delvl 10 lvls and regain them in 12 days reward + max stam 100 u can upgrade the rewards to make more interesting the medals this was an idea for bronze (silver a bit more and and gold to upgrading the requests for each of them , u can called like the( Steam ,Blood ,Tears )



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