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Mister Doom

Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2017 17:27

#975824 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Mister Doom on 22 January 2017 - 22:40

I haven't trusted the caves since Fatman...

#975822 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 22 January 2017 - 22:29

I hate shopping channels, like REALLY hate them.


Also I hate when normal tv stations become teleshopping channels during the night.


Even more than I hate these two things though, I hate that almost all tv stations have synced up when they show their advertisements so you can't avoid them by switching channels. >.<

#975688 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 23:30

No disrespect Penny but what is trivial to one may not be trivial to another. Personally I agree completely with the original post as the lingering mouse over has annoyed me for years.


Another annoyance is the fact that when you "mouse over" you character in map it does not show you what stats you currently have meaning you have to leave map and go to profile page to check.


And constructive criticism can only do one thing.............. improve the game.


On a side note, those that think they have a right to sit in the outside lane of the motorway ambling along at 70mph, now those folk really annoy me.






Mouse-over your name on the top bar and you'll get your stats. This works on all pages.

#974943 Bounty Hunting Ticket Flash Sales

Posted by Mister Doom on 06 January 2017 - 05:59

You must have missed the original 2:1 max stam flash sale...


Which will never again happen since the discount was too high. (Is why the max stam flash sale is now only a 50% bonus)

Unless you also want a one-off absurdly high discount offer for the bounty tickets??


You know, to show that they aren't biased...



Honestly Sweetlou, some of your pro-pvp rants are starting to get a little silly now.

#973913 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Mister Doom on 15 December 2016 - 07:26

What a pointless continuation of a discussion, it has gotten nowhere.


If a pvp global is created without either xp loss removed or being optional, it will crash and burn exactly the same as the initial implementation of the smasher medal. At the same time it will foster even more 'hate' between the leveller and pvp player-base and almost assuredly cause people to leave the game, again.


Not really sure why the people who campaigned for the train wreck that was the 'first' smasher medal are trying to make the same mistakes again.


PvP is simply not as popular/loved as some people want it to be, it will likely never be embraced in the way that they want it to be, simply trying to 'force' it down everyone's throat is just going to end badly for the entire game.

#972572 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Mister Doom on 29 November 2016 - 10:02

I tested the system. Same as many non-pvp players did. I hated the bb being included from the start. I never made it a secret. I was there too. Are you seriously blaming people for playing Seasons when it was introduced? What else were we suppose to do? That doesn't even make sense.  0.o



Lots of people have asked for the level ranges to be opened up some. As the active player base shrinks, so does the viable number of targets for a single player, especially as they go up in levels. It would make sense, but it would be admitting that we're on the downward slope of this game which I don't see the cows ready to do yet.

Grim has said he would talk to Hoof about getting bounties involved in the daily quests. Hope that happens soon!


You used the flawed first incarnation of the system to bring it down, not to help in any way. There is a difference Calista.


As for extending the level ranges. Every time pvp players ask for something it is to the detriment of all other non-pvp players. Hence it flops wildly, then HCS either have to scrap it or nerf it, which annoys pvp players.

You would think after all this time the people making these suggestions would be able to see that these kinds of changes simply don't work.

#972565 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Mister Doom on 29 November 2016 - 09:46

More then the pvp players didn't like Seasons, Doom. The cows flat ignored us until the larger player base hated it as well. We told 'em how it would go.  It went the way we thought. Not our fault we know how pvp works in the game. Would be nice if the cows did as well.


I was around watching what was happening back then.

I'm well aware that some pvp'ers were doing their level best to foster that dislike of the new system.

Some players went around around smacking everything in sight non-stop. Then came onto the forums to 'sympathise' and explain that they were only demonstrating what the new system was...


It was actions like these that sealed that systems fate. Especially unfortunate since the ability to do those things was quickly removed. However, the 'bad taste' had already been put into peoples mouths.

#972529 SE Kill Log / Titan Kill Log

Posted by Mister Doom on 28 November 2016 - 17:55

Kbyte I don't think you're understanding the motivations behind wanting this.

It's not so people looking for a SE hunter can find one. It's for SE hunters, so they can quickly see which SE's have been killed and when, making it easier to decide which maps to go and scour.

#972522 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 28 November 2016 - 11:30

The 'vote' was flawed I have to say. It never gave the option of keeping the new system with certain improvements.


There was a concerted effort of certain individuals/guilds who felt their 'dominance' threatened by the newer system and wanted it gone. So they basically lead a forum campaign 'sympathising' with people who had felt THEIR wrath due to the poor initial implementation, shouting about every 'downside' to the new system instead of praising the good aspects and putting forth ideas to the bad ones and constantly calling for all the work that HCS had done to create this new content, to be thrown away. They just wanted it gone, when HCS finally caved and put up the poll, the options given were far too limited, and well, the 'interested parties' that campaigned against it got what they wanted.


Sad story really.

#972304 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 21 November 2016 - 23:39

Penny, you joined almost exactly a full year before me.


Also to be fair, it has never been clearly stated how much of an effect pvp in this game can have.

Most forms of pvp in other games do not move your xp progression backwards for instance, nor can pvp be used as an alternative to other in-game mechanics for getting what you want from others. In this respect FS is fairly unique.


Since this is one of the main sticking points for people, you really don't think this should be more clearly outlined?

#972225 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 21 November 2016 - 04:50

Also, arguing about whether or not Fallensword is a PvP game or not and where it is revealed is nonsense.


It is not, it is very important. You complain all the time about people who complain about pvp (all the time).


Perhaps if it was made more evident that pvp plays a large part of this game, and that unlike many other forms of pvp the FS 'flavour' can have an enormous affect on your character, whether you partake or not. Then you might not have as many 'complainers' (because they simply wouldn't sign up).

#972186 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 20 November 2016 - 20:35

Regardless of what's stated on the home page. PvP is one of the most important aspects of the game.

If that's the case then potential players should be told of that. Don't you think?

#972119 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 November 2016 - 00:42

I did misread/misunderstand your posts though wil72 so I apologise, that's what you get when you're only half paying attention. Wanted is on Filmfour. ;)

#972115 PvP prestige.

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 November 2016 - 00:28

Doesn't exactly advertise itself as a game where other players have the ability to beat you senseless. lol

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#972105 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by Mister Doom on 18 November 2016 - 22:46

Can you (HCS) also change the original 'Tier 0' version back to it's old animated image?

The new image for the unmodified hammer isn't an improvement.

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