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Member Since 22 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 16 2016 22:56

Topics I've Started

quest : too many legs

05 December 2013 - 23:27

on this quest it's pointing me to the cabin outside of the northeast of eldevin city but as i enter it an kill the lumen spider inside it, it does not goes toward my quest but if i kill the lumen spider just south of the cabin then those count toward my quest.

[Declined] sorting post into each categories.

15 June 2013 - 12:52

how about having the post be sorted out so we don't have to search through the whole suggestion to find certain post about a particular post. ie if i want to know if there's any post on farming just go to farming section instead looking through every post there is on the board.

epic disease in farming and a little tweak needed.

15 June 2013 - 12:33

it seem as though 99.99% of the time my plot seem to get disease with crop dust it drop a point or 2 only. that got to be extreamly high rate, any chance of lower that rate. also, how about opening up a window or add farming slot like the pot slot while in the farm patch that let us add all the stuff we want into it so that just by clicking on the patch it automatically does it by order ie if the patch is not rake then rake it. if we have compost then add it, if we have crop dust then add it, if we have scarecrow then add it and finally add water. and if it does get disease it auto prune just by clicking it. it's much simpler that way.

ease of switching gear

09 June 2013 - 22:07

how about having a second slot for all weapons slot so that we can easily switch weapon?

[Declined] No hold bar beta test for 3 or 4 week.

09 June 2013 - 14:10

how about letting us test the game with all of the aspect of the game up to the current level without any limitation. ie npc have all materials that we can make and the ability to make anything. ability to adjust our level without using point. using any gear that's aviable available for us?

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