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PvP Smasher Medal / Top Rated

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#1 Hoofmaster


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:12

We've been listening to the feedback regarding the PvP Smasher Medal / PvP Smasher Top Rated and would like to know the communities thoughts on whether the medal / top rated is a good idea and should be kept or removed.

Please vote on the in-game poll.

#2 Calista



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:15

Omg you have to keep it now. Pvp players are having a blast with it! And they can only hit the same person once a week. Not like that is all that bad. It is long past due for pvp'ers to have a medal that rewards their style of game play.

Edit: Besides. go look at the bounty board right now. It lives!


#3 Josh1404



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:18

I voted yes, it is great for the pvpers. Finally a little balance restored. Plus once every 7 days is hardly excessive.

#4 Bahamut101



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:19

Keep it the game is PvP related I gotten hit 3 times myself an lost a good chunk of xp but who cares you can gain it back this actually something fun and may participate myself cause 1 good hit deserves another :P

#5 MummRa



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:20

I don't pvp but I do like the changes... There should be more medals for other things. Any chance of guilds earning medals ( richest guild, gvg victories, et al)

#6 Matetuer



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:20

Sure we gotta keep it, very nice update!

#7 deadjoe



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:20

I play all areas of the game and i say it should stay, best change for the pvp part in a long time.

#8 Maehdros



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:21

Prestige hits can be once per 3 days. This medal is only gained once via 7 days. I don;t see an issue tbh. The issue I see is a large amount of the player base has grown accustomed to not being "pvp'd" ever since the protection upgrade came out, and also since they have been often told..if ya dont have gold you wont be hit.

This medal While primarily gained now via smashing bounties, can be gained via Hits off the BB. Risky hits. A hit which can cost 5 levels. It always comes back to the fact players just sit and take it, instead of doing something about it. ( no flames, thats just my two)

There is always a flurry of excitement when a new pvp idea comes out. The board will be the main tool for players to get revenge and a medal to show they have done so.

Lastly, the board.. is alive.. and not with just the normal *residents who are always there* its evident more are pvping and hitting bounties..going out and dabbling in pvp to try for a medal, meet people, and so on. It;s been a long time since the board has been a few pages... it's a nice sight to see.

#9 ominster


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:21

Yes, please leave it in.

There is more activity on the bounty boards now than anytime since the pvp ladder was introduced a LONG time ago. And the fact that only 1 hit per 7 days off the bounty board will count towards the medal/ranking will go a long way in keeping people from getting repeatedly 100 stammed for a medal.

#10 Muhammad Ali

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:21

Do whatever you want..i am done with this game :D

Seems like PvP isn`t excatly my thing

#11 RedFinn



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:25

Its definitely a good thing this medal.

The problem is the 7 day limit on a target, especially as all bounty board hits count toward the medals.

To my opinion it encourages bounty slamming too much. Nothing wrong with getting spanked if you deserve it, but as it stands, it seems to me that "innocent" players who are posted are quite likely to get 100 stammed by some random folks who are after the medals, just because it is so much easier to get it via bounty board.

In fact, I would vote for bounty hits to be excluded from the smasher medal completely.


#12 fs_titanx

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:27

OMG. If you guys take away this medal, then I want my 10K stam back....as well as the levels lost to get it. SERIOUSLY. QUIT CAPITULATING TO THE FORUM WHINERS.

#13 Removed20081



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:27

Yes it should be kept, there is a bit of carnage atm because everyone is scrambling to hit everyone in range to get their medals quick, this will die down soon I reckon, and lets be honest this really is fantastic for the bounty board, it's never been so alive in months!

I think the only issue is that the medal was released much too early, it would have been better introducing it with the new bounty board changes (if they go ahead). A problem now is level 1400's 100 stam clearing lower leveled guys with stacked bounties (from hitting as many as they could in their range) and getting away with little to no retribution for it because they are hitting "the bountied" while they are offline and bounties aren't stackable atm, this would happen less if bounties could be stacked I think and there would be a bit more risk for the big pussy cats clearing people 1000 levels below them :)

Other than that it's fine and should be kept imo :)

#14 Maehdros



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:29

Yes it should be kept, there is a bit of carnage atm because everyone is scrambling to hit everyone in range to get their medals quick, this will die down soon I reckon, and lets be honest this really is fantastic for the bounty board, it's never been so alive in months!

I think the only issue is that the medal was released much too early, it would have been better introducing it with the new bounty board changes (if they go ahead). A problem now is level 1400's 100 stam clearing lower leveled guys with stacked bounties (from hitting as many as they could in their range) and getting away with little to no retribution for it because they are hitting "the bountied" while they are offline and bounties aren't stackable atm, this would happen less if bounties could be stacked I think and there would be a bit more risk for the big pussy cats clearing people 1000 levels below them :)

Other than that it's fine and should be kept imo :)

Hopefully the board changes happen soon....

#15 Zukira



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:30

All I wish is that you had introduced the changes to gloat and honor before doing the medal release.

The medal should stay. PvP isnt my thing but the PvPers are part of the game too. They need a little something now and then just like us levelers. The carnage of the initial release will slow down in time. Until then if you're really that worried, buy some protection for a little while. No shame in it.


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#16 fortville



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:30

Ditch it. If you are not going to ditch it then at least give folks the option of not participating in PvP without charging them to opt out. No one is forced to partake in any other part of the game so why force people to be a part of PvP. Sure you can gain back lost XP but that XP means as much to levelers as PvP rewards mean to PvPers. Would it be right that every time someone leveled a PvPer lost some of what they gained by PvPing? No it would not and the reverse should hold true. Get rid of it or give a free opt out. Those that want to PvP can attack each other. Too many long time players are leaving the game over this.

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#17 Bunnybee



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:32

I think it's great, but of course I would. Yesterday was the most fun I've seen people having in a really long time. Like people have mentioned, only one per 7 days counts toward the medal anyway, big deal?

Redfinn mentioned that the bounty board counting toward the medal encourages smashing people on bounties unrelated to you, and that's a good point. I wouldn't mind that part left in, and I wouldn't mind seeing it go if it made people happier. I don't see it being a mitigating factor however, since the people complaining are not likely to find themselves on the board.

Edit: This game could choke on "long time players." You mean the one's that log in once in a while to look at their 20,000 stam? That doesn't support this game. While they have value certainly, we need new blood here to make FS strong again. People to come in, see it's fun to be here and different than other games, and stay.

#18 TheSlope


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:33

Sure, PvPers like it. Levelers are getting randomly 100 stam'd and losing a ton of XP.

Ditch the stupid medal!

Besides, this thing is just a 10,000 stam sink. Do the math, PvPers! Much too obvious, Cows!

#19 Maehdros



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:34

All I wish is that you had introduced the changes to gloat and honor before doing the medal release.

The medal should stay. PvP isnt my thing but the PvPers are part of the game too. They need a little something now and then just like us levelers. The carnage of the initial release will slow down in time. Until then if you're really that worried, buy some protection for a little while. No shame in it.

Agreed on honor.I honestly think WHEN honor is changed it should be moved lower down the skill tree, so lower players dont have to resort to buying it ALL the time.

#20 olescruffy



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 16:38

Please fix it so only PvP players can be hit to earn the medal.

An 'opt-in' where the medal level increases for as long as they remain active in PvP. If they decide to 'opt-out' of the PvP for a time they lose their medal just the same as they would their Guild Loyalty medal when switching guilds.

This should make an easy fix and help the true PvP players find opponents worthy of their attentions rather than farming someone in buffing gear. Even if it is only once a week.

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