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is it thee or me?

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#1 watagashi



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Posted 23 April 2018 - 15:52

Having major issues today,,IT here at work has put in a couple new upgrades.  I have the following info

Running on IE,,their choice not mine

Buff menu is the most obvious, it just wont load up


page loading in general takes 1-2 refreshes to load otherwise its a black sea with my lil guy standing in the middle, sometimes quests or stairways show sometimes not

Biggest issue is buff I cant buff anyone either using the link next to thei rname on guild mate list nor direct through profile.


#2 BigGrim


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 16:11

Hey there.

Not seeing any issues on Chrome, Firefox or IE here. Everything worked fine, including buffing.

~ Grim

#3 watagashi



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Posted 23 April 2018 - 17:38

yea looks like its a issue on my end,,have to wait to get off work to play

#4 sweetlou



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Posted 23 April 2018 - 22:54

yea looks like its a issue on my end,,have to wait to get off work to play




Your employer might approve.

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#5 watagashi



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Posted 23 April 2018 - 23:35

LOL the boss wants to check out the app,, He asked how old it was I said I was going on my 10th year (this happened months ago) and He snort/laughed. He is one of the folk I know and speak of that are interested in knowing if the app will be a stand alone and restart.

But everything working fine here at home so was me, I will just talk to the tech guy ,who also would have joined if this was new and would "give it a try" if the app is a "even start".

We all already play,,,,,, fartfight? (is that vague enough not to mention that very popular app??) already so its not a big deal to check and approve this site smile.png Pretty sure its the pop up of the buff window that freaked the security out.

Edited by watagashi, 23 April 2018 - 23:36.

#6 BadPenny



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 03:17

I'm writing this because you brought it up.... but it is a bit off topic...  You say your colleagues have concerns because EoC is so daunting..  In other games, yes, it would be an unfair advantage...   This is mainly because most of the time they have no level bands as far as PvP goes, and yes, I have quit many because the highest levels prey on new players, discouraging them, and even preventing them, from making progress. 


That's not really an issue here, if you think about it. Your only competition is yourself, and possibly a gold thief here or there in your own level range.  Most, if not all older higher level players are more than happy to help that new player develop, and I've seen more than 1 hit level 100 the first week with a little guidance.   


My question is this... Why do we need a standalone, or a restart?  I certainly don't want to have to leave behind 11 years of investment and development to start over on an app that's supposed to be designed for people like me, the 100% mobile player with no PC, just a cell phone with all the limitations that entails..... 


Please, let your friends, colleagues, or whatever know that FS is different, the game is just as engaging at lower levels as at EoC, the players at EoC are really not a threat, but rather an advantage and a valuable resource......


My apologies, BG, and Grendel, returning back to the previously designated topic.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#7 watagashi



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 15:50

IT sort of derailed but as its a subject of playing at work and the guys I work with it sort of fits.

Its not that its daunting they have seen all the game already just watching me play. They don't want to start a game that's been around so long and has EOC in 3k range. I have explained that in fact because so many went ahead that gear and buffs are more available.  This isn't really a factor in their choice of starting a new game,, the time its been out is. Most folk (myself included for other games and realistically if I hadn't found this within the first year I would not have tried it) want to be able to catch the pack and keep up and many wont try a game where the player base is so far ahead

#8 BadPenny



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 17:38

I don't understand why it matters where EoC is, or why you would think it's fair for those of us who have been waiting for this app for years, and testing for months, to have to start over to use said app.  Why should we be forced to abandon not only a decade of work, but also expenditures of that time period, to accommodate a handful of POSSIBLY MAYBE new players?   One of the best things about FS is that we're all more or less equal, from Guest#whatever all the way to Boatsnhos. 


Hoof already said that it's intended to work seamlessly with our existing accounts, which it does.  He also said that he would MAYBE make a SEPARATE world in the future, but at this time it's not in the offing.   

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#9 watagashi



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 20:24

Again I am not talking about my opinion (I am all for a restart with the stand alone server keeping these accounts here) I am talking about the 7 people here who would try this game if it was a year old or less. They have their own reasons but all are not interested in starting a game this old. Simply relaying this feedback here as the subject continues to evolve from how my work is treating this site to how my work tolerates us playing around all day :P

EDIT my neighbor saw me post,, HE wants  a new game starting from scratch where everyone is and enjoy the challenge of keeping up with or becoming a top player, because players here are 3500 and higher its way to far gone for His tastes. And yes I explained monthly top to Him.


Edited by watagashi, 24 April 2018 - 20:26.

#10 Removed4427



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 21:29

Hoofmaster, on 04 Jan 2017 - 11:58, said:snapback.png

I'm going to remove the whole 'new world' thing from the timeline for now - it was just a thought tbh. I'm not saying we will or won't do it - just that it isn't the primary focus which is to make the game fully playable on the phone.



but hey, shine on you crazy diamond  ;)

Edited by duktayp, 24 April 2018 - 21:30.

#11 watagashi



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Posted 25 April 2018 - 18:54

Working GREAT here now they added FS to the ok list :)

I guess we shall have to wait and see,,, should only be a couple more years.
In the meantime ill ride off on my mechanical dragon and kill more zombies,,, I have to wonder how on earth they will ever be able to make FS that intense

Edited by watagashi, 25 April 2018 - 18:56.

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