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#964202 Development Update

Posted by RISDMAC on 09 June 2016 - 12:51

Im not really sure what to say here to express my feelings..


Im not suprised or shocked, just saddened I guess.



Points have been made throughout this post that I agree with:


1) The game was still in its beta form and was never ready for release let alone steam release.

2) The concept of this game is excellent and had the potential to be massive


As many others have said, I do hope HCS make a note of the mistakes that were made along the way so that any similar projects dont suffer the same fate as Eldevin.


For now I would just like to say to my fellow Eldevians that it was nice to meet you all and hopefully we will cross paths again either here or in some other game along the way :)

#947741 Add the option to keep 1 roll when rerolling a 2 roll item

Posted by RISDMAC on 05 September 2015 - 11:42

good idea but it would mean increasing roll cost right?



I doubt it.

Right now people aren't crafting the weapons because the roll chances are stacked against them.

With this suggestion more people will find the Infernal Weapons good alternatives to their current weapons.

So reducing the ridiculous amount of rerolls needed per 2-handed weapon will be offset by the increased number of weapons being rerolled. ;)

Honestly the re-roll costs should be recuded BECAUSE or Sav's excellently laid out points.


You really need to pray to the RNG gods and lets be honest, they rarely, if ever listen to said prayers  :lol:


I honestly think it should cost just 100 EP to reroll either a 1H or a 2h weapon (1 stat) or cost 200EP to re-roll a 2h weapon (both stats) ie 100EP per re-roll per stat per item...

#945332 End Game Single Player Content

Posted by RISDMAC on 18 August 2015 - 13:55

Before I begin:


Yes Eldevin is an MMO and that implies group play.

I am in no way debating this and if this is going to be your response, please don't continue reading as you wont agree with anything from here on ;) :P :D


I have hit a patch where work is pretty demanding and I don't currently have the spare time I would like to to log in and play - it will probably be like this for the next 2-3 months but hopefully wont last that long.


However this raises the point that in order to progress my char to be ready for the level 50 content whenever it arrives I need to log in and grind some ancient cores and some remnants as well as obtain rare gathering items and possibly grab some infernal flakes and shadow cores also.


Ancient cores: Grind mobs / weekly quests (ToC/PVP/Arena)

Shadow Cores: Grind mobs / weekly quests (ToC/PVP/Arena)

Ancient Remnants: CC bosses / weekly dungeons / daily ToM / Benevolent Dungeoneer

Rares: Grind gathering

Infernal Flakes: Dailies for AP, Treya


My underlying point here is that the only "single player" aspect to these are the creature grinds or gathering , or if you are in the mood, low level arena runs.


Personally, with my limited log in time for the indefinite future, non of these feel particularly rewarding for my 15-30min limited log in.

Sure I could grind dailies and stock pile some AP and use this to trade with others but honestly that doesnt feel like I am playing eldevin.



What I think needs to happen is a total revamp of the "story mode" dungeons to allow for the introduction of story mode ICC or even a story CC boss instance. For example, I want to grind some ancient remnants but I am only online for the said 30min, and no one is currently running CC - I set up a group but am waiting on *insert group member* to finish something, and then when all is said and done, 25 min after I log in the group continues without me as I had to go - so I didnt get a run in.


The above story is applicable to any dungeon aspect of the game for end of content players, you either need to group up, or you need to grind professions - grinding mobs for cores is fine as this also allows for fp farming but is grinding mobs really all EoC has to offer for single player amusement?


I have raised something similar before here:



I would like to append to this a little bit.


Proposed idea:


Single player ICC or CC boss instances:


Single players ICC would reward the player with infernal shards for beating treya as well as the possibility of a gem (glim or defined - not sure which is more appropriate)


Single player CC boss instance - would reward player with ancient shards per kill + chance of random gem (glim or defined - not sure which is more appropriate)


Ancient shards can be fused into ancient remnants for a cost in gold: should require 10+ shards to make 1 relic - number required should be appropriate to difficulty of the single player instance and add in an appropriate gold sink to "fuse".


Infernal shards can be fused into infernal flakes for a cost in gold: should require min 20+ shards to fuse a flake based on their current rarity.

Additionally infernal shards should be fusable into fabled relics, again 20+ shards ~ 1 relic.



The aim here is NOT to introduce a new version of story mode where people can find a loophole to the original intention and farm said exploit (I am looking at you 5 man story BT runs :angry: ).


I am simply looking for an option where I can log in and run 1-2 single player instances if I cant find anyone to group with and then log out 20-30min later feeling that I did something other that ask and fail in chat for a group. Sometimes I log in and want to gather/craft, sometimes group up for dungeons runs, sometimes farm mobs - however there is no option to "progress" my character in a single player capacity. Killing mobs to farm cores/FP is not and should not be what eldevin sells as its EoC individual aspect to the game.


And just to repeat, anyone raising a pitchfork and shouting MMO - re-read my intro :lol:



#940923 Haste Obelisk

Posted by RISDMAC on 24 July 2015 - 09:51

The obe in nidaros mines is the same as the crit obe in the eldevin sewers - would be nice if we didnt have repeat stats on obes and replaced them with stats like haste and dodge.


I think there is another obe somewhere else that was a repeat as well but can't remember where it is...

#939192 Post Scribe game: Further Skills/Crafts

Posted by RISDMAC on 17 July 2015 - 15:12

No, J! You can't get all your gears in pink :P

But... but... it was going to be bubblegum pink! :(


Can I go with magenta instead then? :P

#939181 Post Scribe game: Further Skills/Crafts

Posted by RISDMAC on 17 July 2015 - 13:47

So I know I am jumping the gun on this as I don't know what scribe will entail, but my take from reading the general outline is that you can personalise items by having a "made by" and some other nice features.


If this is posiible, would it also be possible to have a "designer skill" - this would simply involve gathering flowers of certain colours - making coloured dyes - applying a new colour skin to the item. - if we are bringing in custom names/messages it shouldnt be too hard (in theory I hope) to also bring in some personalised item skins... :wub:


Just throwing ti out there :D

#939178 World Events

Posted by RISDMAC on 17 July 2015 - 13:37

I know that you're releasing the summer event, so this is bad timing on my part, but...


I'd love to have world events where the whole community has to come together to solve a problem and is rewarded for how much effort they've put into it.


For instance, a strange meteor has fallen from the sky and is releasing a caustic gas.  The community needs to uses pickaxes to break it away before all humanity is killed. Maybe this meteor will randomly spawn creatures that can be killed for a weapon upgrade reward for 24 hours or a 2%-5% permanent upgrade damage bonus. (Like spawn demented developers who attack us for a little revenge and we have to fight them back to their planet--we all know a zombie L3fty or body-snatched Anakiro might like to beat the crap out of some of us).  If the community succeeds at the end of the week, they're rewarded with awesomeness.  If they fail, I guess nothing lol.


That's a crappy example but without stealing ideas from other games, it was the best I could come up with off the top of my head.  One game had a giant cake that the whole community had to eat.  It took a week or two to actually eat the whole thing.  In the end, the whole world was awarded double experience for a weekend and those that did the most work, were rewarded with extra prizes.  


This would differ from seasonal events in that the whole community has to work together and not necessarily in groups, just side by side, working together.  It wouldn't be like the hulking troll where whoever hits first gets the reward.  This is a major world event.  No tank, no healer needed, no groups needed. And all levels are invited to participate.  


Chels I love the concept and as Mowjawk says, it is something quite similar to the FS global events so I really really like the idea: 10/10


I wouldn't want a new metoer falling from the sky however, just the crater in othalo spawning some alien killer midgies or some such (kill them or gather them quest).


Or a new void portal rip with nastiliy coloured new kaur launching an invasion (kill them or gather them quest).


Or that crazy mage in the arcan sanctom (insert here name here please, I have obliterated it from my memory after she annoyed me during here ridiculous questlines) has cast a new crazy spell and unleased loads of wisps that need to be collected (kill them or gather them quest)


There are loads of fun ideas that go in here so really hope this one makes a (near) future world event (though will review how next weeks one goes as I am looking forward to that too to see what suprises are in store :D )


Thanks for the suggestion, we've actually done a bunch of work on a non-seasonal event that'll be released in the near future, but this is certainly a great idea, it's a little similar to Fallen Swords global events and it's something we can certainly look at in the future.

Woop B)

#935510 Backpack, Backpack Yay!!

Posted by RISDMAC on 13 June 2015 - 16:00

I hate the "sort" option :D

Sometimes I think this is purely there to troll :angry:


I would post my BP's but they arent full anymore, I dumped a load of stuffs, I can show my un-upgraded large BP's in the bank though - I have kept every dungeon set item/ crafter weapon since level 10 :wub: :wub: :wub:



though reveing it now I seem to be missing the staff and essence at level 15 & 20 for some reason :huh:


(one of these backpacks is actually a vanity shest in disguise, but dont point this out our it will get found out by those other clueless backpacks ;) )

#930957 Make all mounts/emotes unbound

Posted by RISDMAC on 06 May 2015 - 12:23

So this is mainly coming from the fact that I need want the raven wings and have yet to see the troll drop them when I am in the group that kills it - thats if I even see the troll spawn while I am logged in and can get a group together to take it on.


I get that it is a rare item but see no reason for the raven wings / wings of zephyr / plasma disc or any other mounts/emotes/pets to be BOP - items and gear I can understand, but not vanity.


If someone unlucky like me wants to foolishly spend my EP buying mounts that I cant seem to acquire, I should be able to buy from someone willing to overcharge me! :wub: :wub: :wub:

#926775 Disable vanity in PvP!

Posted by RISDMAC on 03 April 2015 - 11:50

You cant hide behind vanity - your weapon shows up at all time so you can tell what class you are facing that way.


If you cant, well then you need to go learn lol

#926137 Set active bag

Posted by RISDMAC on 31 March 2015 - 14:32

It would be great while questing/crafting/gathering to be able to set the active bag in which items you gather will stored.


For example - I have my sacks in bag slot #1, my quest items in bag slot #3 my gems in #2 and #5 etc.

But if I bulk fuse some gems they will go into my initial back pack (or the first available slot).


It would be great if I could set back slot #5 as my active bag and any gems I fuse would auto populate the correct one without me needing to completely reorder everything over and over and over and over .... 



#923848 Worker's Belt

Posted by RISDMAC on 16 March 2015 - 15:29

I would like to see a belt introduced that has utility "sockets".


The grade of the belt and thus number of sockets would need to be rarity/level dependenat with max sockets in game being 7 (or 5 if you consider prospecting and crystal cutting double up and foraging uses no gathering items)


These utility sockets could then be used to store your basic pickaxe, fishing rod, wood axe, shears, watering can & skinning knife.



This is only a teeney tinay suggestion as I know I have enough space and can manage it fine as is but the thought of "hooking" my items to my utility belt has a certain appeal  ;)  :D

#923834 remove temple of sand

Posted by RISDMAC on 16 March 2015 - 14:26

useless they only ban bot which is caught by the moderator. i believe making this place harder is better.or at least tweak it someway or another. 

As I have said, just because YOU believe someone is a bot does not mean they are one.


Someone can actively ignore you while grinding does not mean they a re a bot.


I used to often drop an almandine in my ranged weapon and hit e-1 while at work and not paying full attention to the screen -

I can do this from any position on any map but it is not botting.

You cannot prove a person is a bot so you need to report it by submitting a ticket, after that it is in the hands of HCS to decide upon appropriate action.

#923812 remove temple of sand

Posted by RISDMAC on 16 March 2015 - 12:44

Alternatively, if you spot someone who you believe is botting, report them in the correct manner and let HCS deal with it in an appropriate manner - just because someone chooses not to interact with you does not mean they are a bot.


No to the suggestion from me.

#922913 Farming Overhaul

Posted by RISDMAC on 09 March 2015 - 21:38

Farming doesn't need changing.


Its therapeutic to farm all day.


Once you get into a rhythm of doing a couple of plots, you rarely get disease loss.

Booo! that is all  :P


The yield needs tweaking and you cant say you wouldn't like better yield  :D

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