*Click the image for better view
Work done :-
Experience Bar
Body (Header, Mid, and Footer)
Tavern's news header
Font colour
Well, after countless hours of wasting my time doing this, i decided that its just not worth it since theres barely any market for it anymore, so im just gonna give it away. Its usable on most part but theres few here and there that stills need some fixing (e.g Guild Hall). Unfortunately, i lack skill to do it. So, if CSS is more of your thing, feel free to do it.
Code inside this spoiler box..
To use it, simply copy the code and go to Character > Preferences > Theme and paste in inside the box there and save. Make sure you are using the DEFAULT THEME first before applying the theme. I also include the raw image file and code incase it get broken or the image hosting site that i used is unavailable. Last but not least. DO NOT GO AROUND AND SELL IT.