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Member Since 01 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2014 06:23

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In Topic: More restrictions on Group Summon

05 February 2014 - 03:35

Grizzly - there is a reason they are level restricted zones. If the game has them, then no one should be allowed in the zone below the given level. If they were to remove the restriction, then I'd be okay with it.


Just because someone wants to focus on crafting, does not mean they should be allowed in a zone that is level restricted. Being able to group summon into an area is an exploit/bug that should be fixed one of two ways. Remove the restrictions or don't allow people below the level restriction. If they want to gather the resources, they can do it in a non-restricted zone with a little more danger to have to deal with.


Bots will happen for sure, and I agree with you on that aspect. However, it's much easier to create a level 1 character to have group summoned in, than leveling up to a certain level to bot. It takes more time in the latter, which could possibly reduce some of the thoughts about botting (ie they don't want to spend the time to level up to the level).


You offer some valid points. I much agree they need to be removed though I say that a little out of context in regards to your post I admit. I will start from the bottom of you post and work up. Even if the group summon was tweaked so that low level players would need to level up so that they could reach new zones that would not eliminate the botting issue. All it would do is create a reason for botting to encompass combat so that the bots could reach the different materials in higher level locked zones which has been done in numerous other games with similar locking systems. It really doesn't matter much to someone who may bot whether they can gain direct access to something or if they need to bot their way to it as they are still not actually putting the work in for themselves. And to add onto this I have yet to see a player who has asked for a group summon into an area bot or caught botting. I think this is once again more of a "what if" type situation.


Next, because someone wants to work on crafting they are quite literally forced to either level up to reach new zones with ripe materials which they can use or choose from the slim pickings left over in zones that do not offer a decent supply of the materials the crafter may require. This is a severely limiting aspect of the game without finding someone to get you to where you're trying to go. As it stands the only real danger a crafter may face is while being in a zone that is level locked and trying to dodge hungry mobs. I don't see this as an exploit/bug but rather a legitimate feature of group summon mainly because it's not harmful if the crafter has the levels to gather the resources but doesn't have the level to actually reach this content. If they get snagged by a mob, they die and suffer the penalty for not being able to keep out of range of the angry critters. Granted I do see where you are coming from in the fact that a crafter would not be able to legitimately reach the zone without the help of another but this is a non-issue to me as it doesn't have any negative impact on any third party in the slightest.


Finally to top off this post, and thank you for reading as I realize it is quite lengthy, the level locking system in itself is something I disagree with and I look at it more as a warning for players because there will be mobs in the zone that are of "X" level so be cautious. Instead it is set up so that a player literally cannot gain access to a zone unless they are at level which is wrong to a fault in my personal opinion. And once again to reiterate there is no harm whatsoever in group summoning a player into a zone for whatever the reason may be as it has zero effect on anyone but the crafter/player his/her self. Granted the final decision of how this is to be interpreted and used comes down to a developers standpoint and word on the issue. 

In Topic: More restrictions on Group Summon

04 February 2014 - 00:51

I disagree with this. I'm of the opinion that it would limit gameplay to a portion of the population who may not necessarily want to focus on a combat aspect and would rather simply work on their gathering and crafting professions. As it stands now some resources are much more easily obtained in certain areas where the zone is level locked. If the player who would rather work on their professions can acquire a group summon into the area then that in itself should mean they have acknowledged any risks in doing so. More power to them and the person who group summoned them in. 


As to the OP's post in regards to the botting issue brought up, bots will always be an issue regardless of removing current group summon ability or not. Penalizing a player for taking the initiative to get into a zone that is level locked so they can gather materials they otherwise would have a much harder time obtaining without the required level because it may allow for botting is silly to me. Quarantining areas with level locks is something I find rather disheartening in the first place mainly because it limits the ability to actually play the game from a profession angle without being forced to go and level up in combat which may not be an enjoyable activity for certain types of players. Not to mention if i walk into a zone I'm not prepared for it should be my head quite literally, not the responsibility of a level lock system.


On a broader aspect of group summons, I have group summoned a few friends around with me to new content they haven't seen before merely because I wanted to hang out with them and they wanted to take a peek at something they would be doing ten levels from their current content at the time. There were pros and cons to it but nothing that would negatively impact anyones game experience in any way other than that you may not want to see a level 25 or two tagging along with me in a party while I'm running around in a level 35+ area. These are a few of my reasons as to why I think restricting group summons is a horrible idea. Feel free to refute me or bring up any flaws you may see with any of the things I have just mentioned and I will happily reply when I check the forums next.

In Topic: Items and large backpacks.

20 December 2013 - 10:15

Sorry for the late response! I haven't had any issues for the last 2-3 days. I don't really have anymore specific details that I think will help but I'll elaborate on some of the issues to the best of my ability. At first it was for all items that would attempt to move to the next bag when the main inventory was filled. I found that when I would log off the items would sometimes appear, sometimes not. Another odd thing I noticed was that when having an inventory full of sacks/mats for example, sometimes the items would become hidden "under" (found purely by coincidence and items i thought lost appearing later in the bag) another item inside of the same bag. This was resolved by moving the items from the said bag and logging out and back in where it would reappear in the bag. It was only specific to my 2nd equipped large bag. It didn't have any problems placing things into my founders backpack or the next bag in the 3rd slot etc. I hope this helps, but the issue hasn't happened for a good few days now and I've tried to replicate it since then to no avail.

In Topic: Items and large backpacks.

08 December 2013 - 05:57

Yeah I'm not sure. I know things will transfer into my F-Backpack when my initial inventory is full, but the items seem to avoid the large backpacks like the plague. I'm sure the HCS devs will figure out what the problem could possibly be as soon as they get some time.

In Topic: Cross-server Messaginga dn friends list

05 December 2013 - 00:27

Edit: That title typo...


With the introduction to multiple servers I think it would be good to add a cross-server messaging system so we can talk to friends on other servers.


Some suggestions for the friends list:


- Display a friends world

- Display online, offline or busy (player set's to busy)

- Display what area the player is in

- Display the players level


- Have the option to "Hide yourself" so you can appear offline

- Have the option to hide your level, area, or world.


- Have the option to display no statistics to players if they're not added on your friends list, including if you're online or offline. (So basically a confirmation of a friends request, but without the message spam).

A cross server messaging system is a must have feature. There is nothing worse than wanting to play with your buddies but you are on different servers meaning you have to take extra time consuming steps to get in touch with them, it is just a hassle.


And I would like to note that  I really like the idea of a confirmation so that both parties must be friended to reveal online/offline information.

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