They are bounty tickets.
Member Since 14 Mar 2013Offline Last Active Sep 25 2023 18:01
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In Topic: Terminology Question ; Bounty hunting related.
24 September 2023 - 18:27
In Topic: Quango Island Returns
24 September 2023 - 17:06
Quango Island shall be open until 14:00 hours (Server Time on Monday the 28th of September.
~ The Fallen Sword Team
I want to thank the person(s) still pumping out quests, even if they are only seasonal ones. I'll ask my unanswered question from the content released prior:
Are quests no longer included in content? Last regular quest was 5095. Asking for a friend.
And while not trying to be a fuddy duddy, is this current Quango Island opening until Thursday the 28th or Monday the 25th of September? Again, just asking for a friend.
In Topic: New Content - 5376 to 5400
15 July 2023 - 02:40
Are quests no longer included in content? Last regular quest was 5095. Asking for a friend.
In Topic: Unbearable Lag
24 May 2023 - 14:20
over a month and its still going on. very disapointing.
Agreed. Game is still unplayable!
In Topic: Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!
19 May 2023 - 18:46
Same as every other Epic Quest in this quest line, they are permanent. Not sure what the Guide being in maintenance mode has to do with it.
~ Grim
After waiting a number of years to have a chance to complete the Present Darkness (Epic), I would like to complete quests before I thought they might disappear on Monday. I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the realms in the game. USFG helps navigate where to start, where to go. If it's in 'maintenance mode' until Monday many of us will simply have to wait to start the quests. No biggie now that we know the quests are permanent.