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Member Since 22 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2015 00:13

Topics I've Started

Making Level Up Points for Attributes Flexible

21 November 2014 - 21:38

In playing another game recently I observed a very nice implementation for an aspect of FS that has always annoyed me and I'm sure other players as well, the fact that Level Up points assignment to attributes is permanent, requiring an expensive reset for reallocation.


Different aspects of the game require points in different attributes, even with hunting for example, depending on the stats of the Elite/SE/Titan you would probably want your attributes setup differently, putting more points in Attack, Defense, Armor or Damage as needed for that situation.


Not to mention the difference it would make in PVP, be it straight up or Bounty Hunting or GVG, being able to adapt the attributes to compliment your setup and counter the target's setup and points would add a whole new dimension to PVP and actually make Cloak more meaningful. Modalities could be worked out (for example, you are locked in to the attributes at the start of a bounty or PVP tournament), but it would be nice to have the choice.


By default perhaps players could be allowed to set up 2 or 3 attribute configurations with the ability to buy more slots like we currently can with saved combat sets or arena moves. No limit on reconfiguring points within the available sets.


Perhaps the up coming replacement for the ladder could be a good point to introduce this change. What do people think?

Ladder & BB: Interval between hits when deflected

30 July 2014 - 16:32

Unfortunately I started this in the wrong forum so starting a new thread here where it is more relevant as there is no facility I could find to move forum threads:



Request to those that voted there to please vote here again!


This suggestion is strictly with reference to the PVP Ladder and Bounty Board ONLY.


Lets face it, deflect is not going away, but could the player experience around it be made better? Most definitely, so here's a suggestion for an improvement around it in the areas where it is the most aggravating.


This suggestion is strictly with respect to the PVP Ladder and the Bounty Board only where hitting is the norm.



if a hit gets deflected, the attacker should be allowed to attack again in half the interval of an undeflected hit. If the next hit too is deflected the interval should be further halved and so on until the attacker is able to land a hit, at which point the interval reverts back to the normal interval.


So, for example, normal ladder hit interval is 1 hr, if a hit gets deflected, the attacker should be allowed to hit again in a half hr, if that gets deflected again, the attacker can try again in 15 mins, if that hit is not deflected he can next attack only after an hr.


Getting deflected 5-6 times in a row on the ladder especially is painful and can unfairly skew a ladder result, this suggestion doesn't change the behavior of deflect, it just gives deflected attackers a chance.

Interval between hits when deflected.

24 July 2014 - 23:22

Lets face it, deflect is not going away, but could the player experience around it be made better? Most definitely, so here's a suggestion for an improvement around it in the areas where it is the most aggravating.


This suggestion is strictly with respect to the PVP Ladder and the Bounty Board only where hitting is the norm.



if a hit gets deflected, the attacker should be allowed to attack again in half the interval of an undeflected hit. If the next hit too is deflected the interval should be further halved and so on until the attacker is able to land a hit, at which point the interval reverts back to the normal interval.


So, for example, normal ladder hit interval is 1 hr, if a hit gets deflected, the attacker should be allowed to hit again in a half hr, if that gets deflected again, the attacker can try again in 15 mins, if that hit is not deflected he can next attack only after an hr.


Getting deflected 5-6 times in a row on the ladder especially is painful and can unfairly skew a ladder result, this suggestion doesn't change the behavior of deflect, it just gives deflected attackers a chance.

Arena Pros Cheating

25 June 2014 - 22:01

So here is the secret to arena pros winning everything, they cheat. See attached screenshots showing these pros cheating.


Arena rule is you cannot have or use more than 3 of any moves ina combat.


Screenshot 1 shows EpicPeity using 6 Weakens and 4 Crushes and Urck using 4 Weakens and 5 Crushes.

Screenshot  2 shows Shindrak using 5 Counter Attacks (The same Shindrak that doesn't want cool downs in arena, guess you know why now).

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