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Member Since 11 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2014 04:26

#899731 [Vanity] Allow non-vanity items to be equipped as vanity

Posted by HotMom2 on 11 November 2014 - 04:21

Hello, new player here (less than 10 hours played, but enjoying it a lot so far!) - I have few issues with the game, the most notable are inability to disable Click To Move and regular items not being equippable as vanity items.

There are a couple of pieces of armor I've found so far that I really like! I would like to equip them as vanity items because I think they look cool. I can understand this perhaps not being a great idea in PvP depending on how pvp works (e.g. it would be bad to implement if you could tell how strong/what kind of skillset/build a character is using solely on armor equipped), but I would love to be able to walk showing off my beetle armor while I'm questing or crafting. :)

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