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Member Since 10 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2018 18:06

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Alien Territory

25 October 2018 - 16:56

Aliens should reduce the territory to neutral after 5 minutes so you only have a short time to 'safe' your territory. It should definitely not be "slowly" ticking down.


If option 3 is implemented how can I ever get close to a target again? Bye bye PVP aspect of the game. I would quit playing.

I seriously don't understand why players would ever pick option 3... It's literally the most extreme option, you should play a different game if that's what you want.

In Topic: hunted cows ??

27 September 2018 - 12:37

He attacked you with only his hero. You killed it, thats why it looks like it's empty.

In Topic: Hackers

19 February 2018 - 12:25

what about cheat engine can operation n.e be exploited?


You can't edit the data on the server with cheat engine.

If you change data with cheat engine it will only be cosmetic on your screen.


For example: I change my amount of neutronium to 1000m with cheat engine. It might look like I have 1000m neutronium but thats not the amount that is stored on the server. So I can't actually spend it.

In Topic: Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

31 January 2018 - 22:48

If you are going to buff the regenerate rate, don't do it by increasing the skills only.

Increase the base value of 4/minute too.


And also increase the energy cost reduction a little while you're at it.

In Topic: Player Suggestions

31 January 2018 - 14:17

Things that would improve the game and why:


1. Remove the resource generation cap. Allow people to collect resources from the base even if they passed the storage threshold.

This will make it easier for low level players to get enough resources to get that upgrade they need and it will make the hero skills to boost resource production actually useful. 


2. Allow usage of multiple items at the same time, just like the Armory Supply boxes. 

Noone enjoys spamming the 3 or 15 minute speed-up button, players nor server.


3. Provide some other bonusses on captured territory.

25% gathering speed increase is not enough to make if viable/fun to maintain territory.


4. Increase the base speed of dropships by 50%.

This makes the game more fast-paced and interactive. If you have ever send a dropship with tier 1 heavy troops on a trip you know the pain. New players feel the most of this pain...


5. Add alien troop buffs to the VIP bonusses.


Some of these have already been suggested probably...

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