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Member Since 16 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2017 18:16

Topics I've Started

Arena, then and now.

30 November 2014 - 03:17

Hey guys, I've been gone for almost 2 years now and I came back a few days ago! First off I'd like to commend HCS for changing arena. It was pretty broken and super slow.


Now, however, there seems to be only one problem. The rotation of lower level arenas compared to higher levels. If you go look at the arena right now, 60-75% of them are 1,000+ and still waiting for 3-4 entries.


Does that bother anyone else? Wouldn't the arena be more efficient, fast paced and enjoyable if you didn't have to wait a few days for a few level 1000-2000's to join the darn thing just so a fresh, perhaps lower level, arena can pop up?


I don't know, I've been gone a long time. Maybe there is an explanation for this. The new system is perfect, but it really disappoints me how you haven't fixed an algorithm to allow only a certain amount of 1000-2000+ arenas to be active at a certain time, since those are the matches that stagnate and cause problems.


Let me know if I'm wrong, have a good day guys. 

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