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Member Since 21 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active May 22 2015 05:33

Topics I've Started


08 January 2015 - 08:58

For those of you who don't know what it is:


It's the process of creating a piece step by step by several different artists together as one.

Each artists adds one frame and posts the result here, whereby the next artist takes up the task of adding the next effect. The last person adds the text and the border and proclaims the piece as done. 

Please do not end the piece before it has basic elements like proper Lighting, flow and effects. 



Only one rule, atleast one person must have posted before you make another post. 


I'll start things off.





Personally I would suggest using some Tech brushes in the background along the flow of his gun but using a smudge effect would also be cool! 

Please Note: There's always mistakes that your co-artists may make like in this version I did not leave any space above his head for over the top light effect or for the border. Let them GO. 

Free Avatars/Signatures/Rendering and Suggestions.

08 January 2015 - 08:44

I had a thread before but I lost it somewhere in the midst of GGT. 


The topics says it all.


For starters this piece is up for grabs: [I'll add a border with the text]





Please provide the following info: 


- An Idea or an image/render


- Text


- Any specific effects


Feel free to post as many requests as you like but I hope you all are patient and give others a chance too :)  Please try and make a reply after your request has been completed so that I know you have collected the piece. 
If any of you had posted requests on my previous thread which i did not fulfill please make a fresh post here. 

Free stuff

24 September 2014 - 16:49

Well Hello,


Long time no see bla bla bla hi again to everyone bla bla bla Abhi here more bla bla bla now getting to the point: FREE STUFF~ 

Not sure how long i will be around but ill try checking in every now and then.


Free stuff means everything is free.

Post for an avatar. A signature. 

If you are an artist and want something rendered, critique on some piece or help with some effect feel free to post here. 

But please remember: 

Be courteous 
Give all the details required in the first go otherwise ill either skip the request or if you are someone i know ill run with my imagination. 
You are free to post as many requests as you like, Ill try updating you with a completion date/time.

You all are tacky and I hate you.


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