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Member Since 15 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2023 09:49

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It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

19 March 2017 - 15:12

I know that some of you have become addicted to your win-button and you're not willing to let it go, after all buying our way through everything is part of the Fallensword culture imo, but let's be real here, those potions have absolutely wrecked pvp into oblivion!

Those insanely high level buffs are completely imbalanced and outclass player-casted ones in both power and duration. The only way to effectively compete against someone else using op pots is to make use of it yourself, otherwise better pray to the RNG god for a very lucky proc.

OP pots are a luxury which not all of us have access to compared to 175/192's that are affordable and can be easily purchased through the buff market. In addition, they raise the entry barrier and limits pvp participation which would explain why the ladder is so dead, even with those new shiny rewards. I played during a time when the the brackets were far smaller and rewards were pitiful yet we still had more players and the competition was fierce.

Based on what I have seen and experienced, those pots certainly DO NOT promote fair, strategic and competitive gameplay. At this point why not add hunting style key-binds to ladder targets so that we can mindlessly '1234'? It's pointless to check active buffs on your opponents if your own stats are passively several times higher than theirs.

Now before I lose my sanity;
I propose that all skills in pvp combat should be capped at 200-250 max.
The longevity of potions along with the fact that some of them cannot be leeched and the few extra levels above player-casted buffs seems like plenty for potions to remain useful while keeping the playing field even. (:

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