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Legendary Assault!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 04 August 2023 - 15:31

Hi all,
The following beasts have appeared in the Realms!!
Aughisky (Legendary)
The Ech Ooshkya are a race of evil creatures that dwell in swamps and lakes. They are able to change shape to appear human in order to lure their prey to their death, only transforming into the terrifying water horses they are when it's to late. Aughisky is one of the most powerful of its kind and its hunger for human flesh has caused it to wander far from its home lake of Achdoo in the search of fresh prey...
Recommended Level : 20+
Bishamon Terror from the Deep (Legendary)
The giant creature known in legend as Bishamon the Terror of the Deep, has moved onto the land from the depths of the sea to look for new food as, in it's greed, it has nearly exhausted the local sea coast of fish, whales and seals. The Bishamon eats anything and everything it sees and is causing wide spread famine as well as death as it devours its way over the lands. 
Recommended Level : 80+
Dragon Lord Abraxas (Legendary)
Legends tell of the power of the Dragon Lords of old and how many fell to the dark powers during the battle of Gunzwall. Abraxas was one such Lord, seduced by the dark powers of the Shadow Lord and his forbidden sorcery. Lord Abraxas is now no longer human, a being of hate and darkness he and his Dragon, Sixthor, travel the world bringing a swift and fiery death to the champions of good in the name of his evil Master.
Recommended Level : 125+
Lustravia the Hedge Witch (Legendary)
Lustravia the Hedge Witch is centuries old and a master of natural magics and hexes. Lustravia taught the young Doctor Morbidstein about the uses of magical power and the distilling of vile potions, all of which he has bent to his will for his grandest creation. Lustravia cares not what he is up to, she simply sensed the raw power and malignant intelligence of the Doctor and decided to help him on his way. Her evil must not spread further!
Recommended Level : 193+
Malahas (Legendary)
The noble Malahas is, or rather was, a guardian spirit of the deep forests. She too has had her essence corrupted by the coming of Burzzthak and where once she protected, now she destroys, slaughtering all before her, forest creature or human. Will you step forth to try to subdue this poor wretch and protect her from herself?
Recommended Level : 375+
Otaktay the Inviolate (Legendary)
Otakay the Inviolate comes from the west river area. He roams the open plains ravaging all that make claim to his land. He is vengeance incarnate for all the wrongs that have ever been inflicted upon his people!
Designed by : JKlundt
Recommended Level : 850+
Adi the Mad Dentist (Legendary)
A gut churning buzzing sound is the herald of Adi the Mad Dentist. So tired was he of the citizens of the Realm lack of oral hygiene, he finally snapped (with the not so gentle encouragement of Burzzthak the Corrupter) and is rampaging through the Realms with his frighteningly oversized drill, checking the teeth of citizens. Woe betide anyone who does not measure up to his unreasonable standards!
Designed by : adienamar
Recommended Level : 1150+
Frackenstein (Legendary)
Frackenstein. No one knows where this beast came from. Some speculate that this was created by an infamous Guild of warriors, though whether this lumbering, undead monstrosity was created from this Guild's enemies or their own honored dead is up for debate.
Designed by : skidoodle
Recommended Level : 1780+
Caldrax the EverFrozen (Legendary)
Born to a race of icy warriors called the Thradrul, Caldrax left his people to explore the unknown world. During his travels, he came across a crystal formation that the indigenous people call the Despair Crystal. As Caldrax approached the formation, it started glowing red, magical energy bleeding from it. 
For Caldrax, the world turned black and he collapsed. When he awoke, he felt naught but overwhelming power. No pain, no emotions, only an insatiable desire to see blood. Caldrax's only urge was to stalk the most powerful warriors in the land and kill them in combat. Submission isn’t enough, he shall paint the lands red with warrior blood. Bloodthirsty and violent, Caldrex is the ultimate opponent.
Designed by : iceman66
Recommended Level : 2000+
Crazy Muslin (Legendary)
Crazy Muslin is said to be an enthusiastic, though talentless musician and she played the violin constantly. Many muttered that there was something wrong with her, given she spend every waking moment playing screeching notes and chords. Eventually, her terrible playing was too much for the villagers around her. They formed a mob to destroy the violin or string the poor girl up. In a panic, the girl snatched up her violin and played for her life. Unknown to her, the violin was inhabited by a malevolent spirit that deliberately made terrible sounds. Sensing the danger, it exerted its power and the sounds produced became weaponized, hurting the attackers. The soundwaves acted like blades, slicing through the attackers. Before she knew what had happened, the girl's attackers were so many corpses. In terror, she fled but continues to play, annoy, then destroy those around her, stuck in a helpless loop, thanks to the spirit in the violin.
Designed by: CrazyCrits
Recommended Level : 2350+
Avarimon the Covetous (Legendary)
Avarimon the Covetous is stalking the realms, a demon who absolutely must have all material wealth, whether this is gold or goods. And being a demon of prodigious power and horrifying appearance, he always has the means to get what he wants, whether through terrifying the temporary owner of what he wants or tearing them limb from limb! Avarimon wants everything and has only let the latest object of his desire elude him due to said object being defended by something he cannot defeat. Yet...
Designed by : Dantalian
Recommended Level : 3150+
Druugkiel The Annihilator (Legendary)
Far from Erildath, there is a dead land that goes by the name of Scorn.  This land was ravaged by war and famine and is uninhabitable.  But, there is one creature that lives there, the dreaded Druugkiel.  Massive in stature, and brutal in nature, Druugkiel is profoundly savage.  This monstrosity moves from realm to realm devouring all Chompers as it survives off their life force.
Chompers are an unsustainable food source for Druugkiel, so it always searches far away realms for more life energy.  Recently, there have been whispers that Druugkiel is on the hunt for a more, accessible, food source. As Druugkiel approaches Erildath, we must prepare for the coming onslaught of destruction, malice and pain. To Arms! To victory!
Designed by : iceman66
Recommended Level : 3550+
Kulkan Vigilscale (Legendary)
From deep within the depths of Erildath, Kulkan Vigilscale slumbered. A Lord and Protector of draconic kind, a recent slaughter of his kin has awoken him in a fearsome rage. He has erupted from his lair, vengeance incarnate! All who have slain his kind shall suffer!
Designed by : killerz15
Recommended Level : 4025+
Gigadardanus (Legendary)
Gigadardanus is a giant crab. Its emergence foretells the coming of a terrible fishing year.
Recommended Level : 5150+
These Creatures will spawn until 15:00 hours on the 7th of August, 2023.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 BigGrim


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Posted 07 August 2023 - 15:55

Hi there everyone.
The Legendary Creatures have withdrawn once again. They shall return!
We hope you enjoyed the event.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

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