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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2014 20:26

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gold Sink

18 January 2014 - 13:40

Mmm .. I must be doing something wrong.  :huh:


I'm not skint, but never have so much gold that I need to sink it .. maybe that comes with a higher lvl?

In Topic: Speed up smelting

17 January 2014 - 05:44

It always makes me wish I could be playing on my other character while I'm waiting  :unsure:



I usually read forum instead  ;)

In Topic: RSI

15 January 2014 - 17:28

Ty for the reply LivingTarget  :)


I have realised that you guys DO listen to your community of players & it's what led me to become a supporter of the game in the 1st place.


Seems fair to me .. you support us & so we support you.


The simple menu option certainly makes things easier .. & I thank Truth for pointing it out to me .. but long term, I can only do so much clicking, whether it be one click or 2 


Thanks again for the support ..  I do love the game  :wub:

In Topic: Preventative measures against botting

15 January 2014 - 17:16

My character SoulSister has been working really hard at her mining so she can also make good weapons.  So, been doing fairly long stints in the mines .. which I HATE .. but is needed if you want to progress in the game


I was accused of being a bot .. so I think you should be aware, that not everyone who mines a lot  etc - is a bot  :unsure:

In Topic: RSI

15 January 2014 - 16:18

Thanks to Irradiated & to truth for that info :)


Either way though .. it's still a lot of repetative movements.


I have problems with my joints & this does create a problem for me as I'm sure it does for anyone else with joint probs or with carpal tunnel syndrome


Some of us who play the game are 'golden oldies'  ;)

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