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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active May 04 2016 03:21

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Game idea on dropping bound items for quests.

05 November 2012 - 17:22

There is a lot of items that are with in a series of quests that you can not finish while you are on a mad hunt.

During your quest your Quest log knows where you are at during your quest. In the event that you accidently dropped an item for your quest and you need to send HCS a Ticket to have it placed back in your backpack.

Maybe another alternative approach should be taken.
Since all items are bound and have been noted as so.

You could have a seperate screen that allows you to get the item for that quest after you have passed that level of the quest.
That item that the player dropped can be rebuy that bound item.
Instead of wasting HCS time and our time.
You could take that Item for that level add three 000's to the end of it the double the price.
For example
Equipment that was dropped was a shield at level 955. (955,000x2 = 1,910,000 gold)
This is to reassure that the player gets the item that is needed.
This reduces the tickets to HCS.
This reduces players time.
Fixes the problem permanently.
This also removes gold from the game.
I see lots of wins!!!

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