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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 13 2016 14:55

Topics I've Started

Lower on Hit regen in Ta

05 September 2015 - 20:08

Hi i was wondering if anyone else got a lower regen inside TA (during pvp/PL), with my weapon and marauder I get 250hp per hit (20504 hp with defensive stance), 148 from sword, the rest from Hp/marauder talent. I also regen 76 mp  per hit outside TA with marauder and crusade. Inside TA however i only get about 210 hp per hit i think, and it drops down to about  50mp per hit (tested on PL). Why does this happen? Does it have to do with the leveler buff you get in TA?

Downloading Checksum, Terminal Error Loaded Data

02 April 2015 - 17:18

My char Kendall's stuck loading Northam Crypt, recurring error in title.

We mightve rezzed a dead npc in To3

04 February 2015 - 21:00

Uh oh.

Attached File  Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 4.55.37 PM.png   515.54KB   69 downloads

Prospecting Dailies Exp

20 December 2014 - 18:48

Not sure if it's just me, but I've noticed that the lvl 35 daily prospecting quest gives more character exp than the lvl 40 or 45. I mean it's miniscule but yea. Not talking about prospecting exp.


Lvl 35 gave me 7007 exp i believe, lvl 40 around 6.9k , lvl 45 6835 exp.


Not sure if a bug or what.



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