well i've just found out ( heard ) that since you changed the lvls about with the gathering proffessions you've messed up big time. you can get hearty pelt which is used in the new 48-49 armor items from lvl 40 mobs. which is a massive slap in the face and abuseable at tr as you can skin in story or dungeon mode. and is no effort at all to do. maybe skinning needs to be banned in dungeons.
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#976193 the new lvls for gathering items
Posted by sdcrichy on 01 February 2017 - 18:11
#972390 TA player kill status
Posted by sdcrichy on 23 November 2016 - 14:20
while i'm looking at this i'll have my say.
TA is not balanced even though the devs tried to balance it by giving under lvl a buff up. the buff up doesn't take into account the higher lvls can use higher lvl skills with more damage and it doesn't take into account gem boost. maybe make a arena fight that takes gems away if both fighters have same lvl for a lvl fight and see who is best.
- Steve1973 and Lalalalalalalala like this
#963890 Development Update
Posted by sdcrichy on 02 June 2016 - 21:27
2 things to say about this
1: when in beta we got told the game would be released at upto lvl 50. which was WRONG should have stayed in beta till it was done till at least lvl 45 and all sorted.
2: not enough advertising, just gettting it on steam was not enough and point 1 has made loads not stay as there was many bugs.
#955124 vault size
Posted by sdcrichy on 14 December 2015 - 09:40
think this has been said before but is there a chance we can increase vault size like we do with normal bp size, like gold to start or low ep then when bigger the same cost as bp costs 500ep. really is pain with the small size of the vault when i am making pots for alts and have to keep swapping or and pass thing's about.
#930438 Flake fusing
Posted by sdcrichy on 01 May 2015 - 06:17
i'm not sure about this idea. boonies 1 min to run, flake ever 2 runs. maybe if the devs like the idea then make it cost more flakes to make the next tier flake but overall i think this may be a bad idea.
plus some people use more than 90 flakes for the lvl 45 sets, some make weapons too.
- Medi3vil likes this
#928169 Unable to enter dungeon after rez
Posted by sdcrichy on 13 April 2015 - 06:52
no when the game started if you died and rez'd at the rez point out side you could not enter back into the dungeon while the others was in combat. when they did an update a while back it broke it and then it was bugged so you could just rez outside and run back in, but now they have fixed it again. it was to easy just rezzing out side and running back in. just have to wait for rez inside.
- Bigfoot likes this
#922222 Iggy list
Posted by sdcrichy on 03 March 2015 - 13:39
Please for god's sake please fix general chat so people on my iggy list can't talk to me. i'm getting pretty sick of having to see them keep asking me questions why they are on my iggy list, they are on there so i don't have to speak to them. please fix ASP
- KeS likes this
#921449 make things a bit quicker to open
Posted by sdcrichy on 25 February 2015 - 11:16
ok i've just started to open my prestige bags that i've saved up from ta, what would be good would be an option to open all instead of click once and open 1 bag. i got over 100 bags on each alt and is a pain, same with art points too.
2nd point is when you respec is there a way to alocate attribute points in one go, my mouse is taking some hammer doing all this stuff 1 at a time.
- RISDMAC, ShadowBane and Tom92 like this