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Member Since 18 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2015 19:47

#909817 Talent Theory Calculator!

Posted by Removed221770 on 16 December 2014 - 14:49

I've been messing around with the talent theory calculator I believe to be created by Eric E. Coe (WowRefugee). I love the system, and it is extremely helpful to plan ahead, and save your thoughts even if they're not fully developed. Though it is annoying having to ask other players for their opinion about the talent/ability before you get it & have to respec later.


*NOTE: I have messaged both WowRefugee & Irradiated about this topic; get a hold of them for faster results.*


If you agree with me, please vote in the poll I have created for you just for a visual response, I do still expect and encourage a comment.


Here are my suggestions;


  • Instead of picking and choosing between talents that you're unsure of their potential use, and then having to respec because of it; why not create a Feedback system, where players could comment, vote up, and vote down a talent/ability so other players can be aware of that talent/ability beforehand.

               1.) Add an aside to the right of the talent tree, and let players vote. Also will have a link at the bottom to a separate page of just feedback(comments) and votes beside each talent/ability and maybe even class for PvP and PvE.

                    A.) I will personally create the entire aside, followed by a voting system, and then develop a player feedback section.


If you are in agreement, then please vote up. If not please voice your opinion, and see if we can reach an understanding before you vote down.


Thanks for reading,



#904827 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Removed221770 on 26 November 2014 - 02:30

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, this thread has been overrun by spam posts, and redundancy. I still like you all, and respect you all as humans, a gamer, and possibly a potential friend! :). As this was just a suggestion, I didn't want for it to turn out so negatively. 

And ha, just to everything, I enjoy arguing my points along with stating proof. This topic will be open again in the future once I, and or anyone else who voted up comes together to think this though thoroughly.


Thanks for the comments, feedback, and support,



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