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#954251 GUild invite bug

Posted by cowboy on 02 December 2015 - 16:14

Yep think we figures this one out should be fixed next patch, thanks!

#933220 Friendslist: can't add friend

Posted by cowboy on 21 May 2015 - 14:53

Also, the reason the OP couldn't invite appears to be you or the recipient (or both) exceeded an invite sent or received limit. I guess with the refactor of existing friends its initialised you with an exceeded amount, as I think one of you has 60+ invites pending. So you may need to delete some. The current limit it 50 invites sent, 50 invites received and 200 friends. The invites of 50 each way should be more than enough, its just from the refactor you've got a bulk at the moment.


For the next update we've improved how this is reported so you should get told why the invite failed much better as I kinda skirted on it as it wasn't so diverse for the mail failing. and tracking a 'reason' why things failed can be used nicely in the guilds stuff coming too.


There should also be friends gui fixes like the scrolling annoyance mentioned above.

#923160 Adding alts to friend list

Posted by cowboy on 11 March 2015 - 13:19

I'm doing this at the moment, about 70% done. You'll be able to invite a character to be a friend but also specify it to be an account wide invite or just a single character, to which the recipient will agree to the request along with the account/character locality of the invite. An account wide invite will therefore show all alts that come online, so in the friends list it will show the friend alt online say Bongo and then the name you actually added if different with it "aka Mongo" underneath of so. If just a specific character friend is added then you'll only see them, and it wont betray any other alts (to which we hope to sort the website top lists to also not betray peoples alts if we can). If you have friends account wide, that grants you access to see all of their alts essentially, for trusted friends.


Most importantly, the friends list will be invite and accept, instead of the current 'stalker list', so a proper mutual friends list. This is to go with the new cross server stuff we did to show friends on different server.


Along with this is coming the mail system very soon, so in terms of system wise content, we're still going forward with all the cross server things as promised, but it is rather complex, but all this is now in place to add Guilds and AH, etc.


One idiom is that the current 'stalker' list will be redundant as we cant assume you have each other as friends, nor can we assume to make those invites for you (cos a % of them are probably added for stalking :) ), so at the moment, we may well use the mail system to send you a list of your friends names, which you can then choose to invite manually, a bit of a pain but not too bad... at least its a better system :)

#853001 WHY NOT an auction and A mail features in game?

Posted by cowboy on 03 March 2014 - 22:52

Half the mail system is done. Its just not available to you yet. By half I mean you receiving mail and well the structure of it all and rules, attachments, etc. The other half is you sending to other players real time. So its getting there and yes, its very difficult technically because it has to work cross server but... I think its looking good and the system opens up for making cross server guilds and auction house, etc. However, I have to fit hardware rendering between some of it... lots to do.

#821852 Im invisible

Posted by cowboy on 22 November 2013 - 09:39

When I first saw that one of the team implemented fading you out when moving realms, the first thing I thought was, that better be bug free when you fade back in :(

#821851 A few suggestions that i wouldnt mind

Posted by cowboy on 22 November 2013 - 09:32

Just on the second point, I'm quite sure we'll be adding swimming one day, and therefore even diving would be cool to transition from land. Another interesting feature would be mountaineering/'tomb' raiding, basically with a few jumping abilities, perhaps jump/climb up vertical, jump forward, climb down. We're not going to support free-jumping as the movement doesn't work like that in general, but as abilities it might make for some really cool tomb raider style instances and puzzles to navigate about.

#821381 Player character page

Posted by cowboy on 20 November 2013 - 16:10

There will be an inspect option as a feature added sometime in the future in the game itself for gear maybe. The website for launch will be quite basic to start, but we plan to add lots of information on all the players like in our other games, such as top lists for most kills, highest xp/level for account, character and skills, most quest stages, achievements, furthest travelled, all sorts of things. We even store uncapped xp so once you reach max level, we keep a count of any more xp you gain after that in a separate stat. So yeah, we will have a lot of top lists, all the data is there, we just don't have time to add to the website just yet, but it'll come soon enough after release :)

#815840 erm, why bronze ore?

Posted by cowboy on 11 October 2013 - 00:49

We thought about it, we discussed it, we feared bronze ore isn't real. Then we bought lots of alphabetti spaghetti and took out everything but the O, R and E's and fed them to Hoof along with a mixture of 88% copper and 12% tin, and then bronze ore came out, and we knew it was real. k bye.

#812126 Bugged belt?

Posted by cowboy on 19 September 2013 - 18:28

The belt system has been overhauled. They no longer use an actual inventory, they just link to items in other inventories. The items in the pop-up windows is our cool item recovery system working nicely as those items no longer have official belt inventories to be stored in, as we just deleted belts even having inventory grids :)


So its working as it should as a linked / shortcut belt now I hope :)

#812011 Global HiScores

Posted by cowboy on 18 September 2013 - 22:08

We're currently working on all the official website (www.eldevin.com) and game linking together properly, as that is where you will eventually play the game from. With that said the website will have access to all your account data, so we will eventually be able to produce stats on all the data from accounts and characters, even to be able to have talent tree spec designers, etc.


There will certainly be top lists of everything: skills, reputations and then we have all the stats and achievements, so there'll eventually be top rank lists of things like most creature kills of different types, furthest travelled, anything really, just as we have done for gothador and fallensword.

#804195 Character Achievements?

Posted by cowboy on 03 August 2013 - 04:40

As we've just added multiple characters for the accounts, all existing achievements and stats have been set to account wide by default. They will mostly stay account wide so an achievement like 'Reach Level 20' basically means get any character to level 20 as far as completing the achievement is concerned. The character that actually gained the achievement is saved in the system and will show on the UI next to the complete date too :),


That also means, as your screenshot shows, the kills are affected by any characters as those stats/achievements are account wide.


However, I see the current stats and achievement screens as actually showing the Account Stats and Achievements as they have all been set to account wide. We intend to also store per character stats (probably most) and achievements (a select set - with character bounds rewards maybe).

So basically we had a lot to do in the multiple character changeover and its actually correct to convert all the current achievments and stats to be account wide. What its now missing is us adding duplicates of many stats that are per character mostly, as I think its nice to know what individual characters have done, and important for us to store so we have those stats for useful things in the future, such as adding the per character achievements if we want to, or other useful per character hooks.

I think when we add the per character ones the UI screens will have some kind of Account/Character toggle buttons to split between, as long as its not too confusing :).

#794044 [In Development] Guild system

Posted by cowboy on 07 June 2013 - 00:24

It would be cool if there was guild armor with the insignia on it from the guild.

Yeah this has come up internally also, and will be a feature of the guilds for sure. It should be quite straightforward to implement.

#793411 [In Development] Guild system

Posted by cowboy on 04 June 2013 - 21:56

After release for sure, but sooner rather than later.

#793410 Door opening

Posted by cowboy on 04 June 2013 - 21:53

Yeah I want this too and it came up before. I'll bring it up tomorrow as it should be quite reasonable to implement.

#790712 equip belt

Posted by cowboy on 23 May 2013 - 08:01

I'm aware of the belt swapping problem. Its mainly because you cant have a bag/belt containing items placed in another inventory (else you could just fill every inventory with bags/belts). I'd need to do a custom fix for this to swap the contents of the belts when they actually swap positions, so move all the potions from one to another, and check they even fit, etc. Not too bad but kinda custom code and slightly painful to fix, but it will get sorted one day as it seems to confuse/annoy people.

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