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Member Since 15 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2014 22:20

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In Topic: Player shops, feels more roleplay?

29 September 2014 - 22:20

I very much like the idea of selling my own goods in an afk shop, though I also like the idea to use NPCs. I'd accept a 10% sales tax as a good trade for not having to sell produce at the game's set price or hunt for a buyer.


By the way, why do the Food Stall and Chef Stock shopkeepers in Elvedin City sell exactly the same range of items from stalls facing each other? Seems a total waste of a shop. I'd like a shop that sold those food items you need for cooking, like garlic, which you need level 8 farming to grow. The food stall would seem the ideal place.

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