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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
Online Last Active Today, 16:03

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In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 16:03

That's fine or release them in a new chest?

Or a mix of the two. 


~ Grim

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 14:37

Hey Grim,
Chiming in to say, thank you for giving us new stuff.

You're welcome!

People did play the game just fine with Commons before. Those were the times without CoA/CoD, your Epic Forges/Crafts, and your Smashing Hammers and your other high level buffs. That was well over a decade ago. I still remember how big of a change it was when SH175 became a thing - the way we leveled and the gear completely changed, and has remembered somewhat the same since.
We live in times where the game is much further advanced, the way we play has evolved to a much finer degree, and resources are much more vast and readily available. Resources meaning Legendary/Crystal/Epic gear, and the variety of buffs + the (high) degree and ease of access.

Blimey, sometimes I forget how long we've been at this! :D

Love you Grimmy ~ SS

Love you too. :P

I think pushing the idea to the Loyalty update is fine if you're okay moving the idea to rares/uniques. It will be much better received and be sought after more that way.

I think so, yeah. If it results in a better buff, then yeah. I'll see if we can get the change made and push live at the same time as the Loyalty Stash update (which will be the only time we announce the Loyalty Stashes going live, in the same manner as the Mythic Stash events.

~ Grim

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 14:14

Players aren't playing that way anymore. They want to minimize effort to accomplish the same goal.

And you speak for the entire Community?

Not an exaggeration at all - see attached:attachicon.gifimage.png

Bloody hell. I stand corrected!

Uniques already see some form of use depending on what stats are needed on filler items - rares are overlooked. You could likely get away with doing both, however, if you made rares 0.02% per point and Uniques 0.01% or something along those lines.

Hmm. Could look into that, sure. Again, it does mean that potion (potions?) would be bumped from this release until the Loyalty Stash coding.

~ Grim

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 13:35

Well, I'd say it SHOULD in order to have value and not be a potion that's DoA. I'd like these things to help the game economy some.

As would I. Bear in mind, people leveled and played the game just fine without some of these buffs for a great many years.

I do think you need to drop the whole DOA thing though. It might be to you, but not everyone.

When it was initially proposed ~12 Years ago, it was likely a pretty solid idea to inject something into the game. Now, commons, outside minor arena use for those with HP, are frag items.

What on earth makes you think the buff idea is 12 years old? Exaggeration, thy name is "Toreth"! ;)

If I might offer a suggestion? What if Trendy were changed to "Rare" instead of "Common?" They don't have the same level of crafting bonuses, so less bonuses I mentioned before, too - changing to "Rare," though might would get some to farm some champs for their items some as they could have new-found viability across all level ranges. It's an instant boost to nearly every aspect of the game, and it allows the potion to remain a more modest level while seeing use.

I suppose we could change it to Rare or Unique but that pushes its release back to whenever I can get some code time. Probably when I get the Loyalty Stashes implemented.

~ Grim

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 12:59

I agree and typically encourage varying ways of play. I only said what I did above because of the compounding bonuses.

I'm not saying it can't be a buff available, obviously - I'm just unsure how high a level Trendy would need to be to overcome losing all the other bonuses.

But that's the thing Duder. Does it NEED to? Couldn't this simply facilitate a totally different way to play? I believe that was the original thinking behind the buff, along with giving a playstyle that uses Commons.


~ Grim

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