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Member Since 27 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2017 08:43

#918513 Fountain money

Posted by rowbet on 07 February 2015 - 09:18

A better idea would be to introduce a nurismatist shop/stall in Eldevin who will let you use these coins to buy decent low-level equipment.


This should be a useful resource for new players, would provide a reason to spend time fishing in the fountain early in your game-life, and wouldn't upset any economy.


As a by-product, it would be easy to introduce a value-difference for the various coin-types.

#914610 The King's Forrest - or Poacher's Paradise?

Posted by rowbet on 10 January 2015 - 16:39

While gathering in TA a while back I began to wonder about similar things one could do with skinning/meat-gathering, or even farming.


The skinning/meat-gathering lends itself naturally to the idea of poaching, so one could imagine having a large area stocked with various herds (e.g. maintained by the King for hunting parties) into which characters could sneak to hunt better stock (and hence more skins/meat) at a greater risk.


This could be a straight extension of TA (another PVP zone), but one could also use it to introduce different challenges. For example, random spawning of the King's Gamekeeper (a champion who spawns at your level, kind of like the monster rabbits did in the spring event), or there could be random traps that the poachers had to avoid.


One could also think of doing a similar thing for farming, say a contaminated farmland where every so often you find you have actually grown a crop of triffids that you then have to deal with.


While its nice to have a place where you can gather more quickly, I think the real advantage in developing this sort of theme is that it provides an option for players to do their gathering in a way that is less repetitive and less mindless.

#911857 bugs for Devs to look at

Posted by rowbet on 24 December 2014 - 08:38

yes you can run it and first boss is fixed so can complete it now just chest loot is bugged still i think.


I thought it was more fun before they "fixed" it. The first boss was perfectly doable for my ranger at level 40 (didn't try other characters) though it did require a couple of healing pots to service the critters' reflect. Now it is pretty trivial.

#898025 story mode boss chest loot drop ?

Posted by rowbet on 05 November 2014 - 07:01


Hi there. We've fixed the specific problem with the boss that drops the key and the steam valve. The fix should go live with our next update. The chests no longer have a 100% drop from bosses in story mode, which will be why your not seeing all the bosses dropping loot. 


Infomration on tiket i sent in look's like was change in story mode failed update us ion - Vault will be fixed.Infomration on tiket i sent in look's like was change in story mode failed update us ion - Vault will be fixed.


This decision on chests is extremely unfortunate, and a shame they didn't make it explicit in the update. I could understand the xp nerd, but the amount of gold being awarded on BT story mode was a lot smaller than the multiple 1000gs I wish to spend on each character to acquire scrolls and upgrade mounts. It might have seems too much gold if you already have spent a lot of time running dungeons in groups and are fully upgraded, but if you are not in those groups then these upgrades now just seem out of reach.

#886508 Darksun Reborn!

Posted by rowbet on 19 August 2014 - 22:48

Great set of potions. Nice to see a stash where I'm tempted to use *all* the pots within.

#815143 remove the "blue dot"

Posted by rowbet on 06 October 2013 - 12:34

I'm a fan of the blue dot (though I'd call it purple). I'd hate to see it go. The world is sufficiently complex that, for many quests (particularly those that walk you over many maps) I would have given up long ago. I could see some value in having some quests that weren't so directed, but the text would need to become much clearer than it is at present.


There also needs to be some recognition of the difference in difficulty for those who play all the time vs those who play more spasmodically. The latter don't get so familiar with the maps and so would find the quests much harder without the purple dots to guide them.


And, as ever, you can choose to ignore the dots if you wish to - but you can't choose to use them if they aren't there. Perhaps the best solution is an option to switch them off. The each player can play in the way they find most enjoyable.

#813101 Deconstructing the Constructs

Posted by rowbet on 24 September 2013 - 23:20

The reward at the end of this gives you a choice of 2 melee and one sorcery item. Shouldn't there be a ranged option?

#812500 Group Finder System

Posted by rowbet on 21 September 2013 - 10:57

Still finding groups for dungeons to be one of the major drawbacks with this game. We can all hope for many more players when it goes live, but there will still be people who play in unpopular time zones who will encounter similar problems. So I'm guessing there will continue to be players, like me, who end up stacking up the group dungeons until they are far enough ahead in level to do it solo - and when we don't spend ages farming for heroic items, that is a significant level gap.


I wonder whether it would be possible to make a few changes to the GFS to improve this considerably. For example...


  • In the GFS dungeon menu, you could display the number of players currently waiting for each dungeon, so that players can join the dungeon that is most likely to generate a group; perhaps this could display the number in each of the player classes (damage, tank, healer) so we can chose which alt to play with
  • allow players to join more than one group (some anti-correlation here with the previous suggestion). At the point of joining a group you would be removed (or better, suspended) from the other queues. This would mean that you don't have to try to guess which is the most popular, and hence most likely, dungeon to queue for
  • remove the 1 minute cool down. I'm not sure what good it achieves, but it is highly frustrating to join a group, find you are the only one in the queue, decide to look for a different queue and discover that you have to wait to do so. (This wouldl't matter so much if the first point was implemented, but I still don't see the purpose in this cool down.)
  • enable people to specify their own minimum group composition when they join, or define a weaker group composition (or set of compositions) at which point you ask whether the group wants to keep waiting or just go as it is.

I do feel that getting the GFS right is one of the major tasks that still needs to be fixed before the game goes live.

#810024 /who

Posted by rowbet on 04 September 2013 - 19:19

so that wasn't cherry juice on my hands?

#809810 /who

Posted by rowbet on 03 September 2013 - 19:51

What I really need is something to tell me when I'm offline. All the neighbours are wondering where their cherry trees have gone.

#808855 The Natural way (35)

Posted by rowbet on 28 August 2013 - 22:24

I found that if you actually attacked anything after receiving the musk then the musk stopped working - until you logged off and back on again, then it started working again until I attacked/killed something else.


There was quite a lot of discussion about this in the forum a while back.

#807184 quest: assisting the watch - won't accept items

Posted by rowbet on 19 August 2013 - 08:12

Given that it requires pure bronze ore, I would certainly hope this is a bug. That is particularly because this quest blocks a stream of other quests. requiring (potentially) multiple craftings with rare items for a quest doesn't seem appropriate.


If it isn't a bug, then the quest should stipulate what is actually needed.

#802451 Loot Rolls, Packs with no space

Posted by rowbet on 27 July 2013 - 08:18

Many thanks - I've added you all to my friends list, but I suspect our times don't overlap all that well

#801339 A couple of options?

Posted by rowbet on 20 July 2013 - 11:53

I'd be surprised if these aren't already in the forum, but I didn't manage to spot them in a quick search, so I'm risking repeating, rather than omitting, the following suggestions.


Is it possible to get an option to switch off the backpack reorganisation button? The algorithm it uses has never produced (for me) a better arrangement, and each time I accidentally hit that button it then takes more than a couple of minutes to put the backpack back into a useful configuration.


Also (almost certainly out there already) are there plans to improve the selling processing, especially by allowing one to "move all" of a particular item into the selling window or to select multiple items and then drag them to the selling window? When trying to level up in a profession, the mechanics of selling a large number of items is very tedious.

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