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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2016 10:55

#960354 Gargantuan Mosquitos V

Posted by BabyMad on 07 March 2016 - 14:35

Piety Bug Busters!

#948685 New Guild RP Packs.

Posted by BabyMad on 14 September 2015 - 21:23

Always nice with new content


Is there any chance that you can list the packages by family? By family i mean. Battle Pack a b c, Power leveller a b c and so on. Its alittle confusing and annoying that they are all spread when you are looking for that one package with the best buffs for that purpose you got.

#945926 Update v2.84

Posted by BabyMad on 20 August 2015 - 13:05

Good idea, but I don't think it should have a Fallen Sword Point cost :)

Those who have enough packets for this feature to save them time will pay one way or another if it would be. But anyhow i would like this feature to get live and im sure many others will too :D


Great to see this game evolve.

#945922 Update v2.84

Posted by BabyMad on 20 August 2015 - 12:54

Nice idea about the incrase from 100 to 250. What about a feature to fill all listenings or seperate faster than going in each package? If you got like 10-20 it take some time.


Like "Refill all packages to xxx" and the price could be 1fsp if it should cost. Lazy people :P

#943053 Update v2.82

Posted by BabyMad on 03 August 2015 - 14:54

We're hopefully going to get that updated today :)

Hoof it still show guilds that are done and targets that are inactive for 7+ days. Can you remove this?

#942956 Update v2.82

Posted by BabyMad on 03 August 2015 - 10:16

Please change the gvg part. Why do i have to watch a drop down list with names i cant hit? Im level 1200 so i have no use for level 1099 players or below. We got a couple of gvg going on so i have to scout 200 names to find those few targets, and then some of them are inactive for 7 days +!. This annoying part really waste alot of time. Please make it show the names YOU can hit so you sort out the outranged people and inactives and whatever.

#848025 Avatar and Guild Avatars uploads.

Posted by BabyMad on 11 February 2014 - 19:16

I might be off topic


Please make settings for players to enable/disable animations all over the game. Avatars, map flashing, profile pictures, item animations, front page spinning wheel, everything!. Its laggy and espacially map flashing is driving me crasy!

#844691 Content Roadmap.

Posted by BabyMad on 29 January 2014 - 15:18

Further updates on Buff Market would be great :)

#843649 Mouseover Update

Posted by BabyMad on 24 January 2014 - 19:09

Template is back, awesome


I cant remember what else should be working by FSHelper but updating is awesome :D


Edit: Battle stats and more work again. Now buffing info is lacking. it show -1 sustain and no clickable for buffmaster and extend. So far its not bothering to mutch. Awesome work :)


Btw. I notice when i capture a relic i just get a green text with "(null)" for capture or not captured

#843628 Mouseover Update

Posted by BabyMad on 24 January 2014 - 18:33

Now FSHelper doesnt work anymore :(

Now FSHelper doesnt work anymore :(

#840123 Buff Market Improvements

Posted by BabyMad on 12 January 2014 - 22:05

Hoof why havent you increased the package size yet? 5 is just to small :(

#839841 Buff Market Improvements

Posted by BabyMad on 11 January 2014 - 20:40

Hoof what about increase package size? 5 is not enought

#839380 Buff Market Live!

Posted by BabyMad on 10 January 2014 - 17:30



Something like this. worst pain ever but something to go for


About selecting buffs to list. Get inspired from Skills list. Make a little box with each skill and below you enter what level you want it. In the box theres a little box to check/uncheck it.

#839372 Buff Market Live!

Posted by BabyMad on 10 January 2014 - 17:24

When you add buffs make it only list the ones you have. People have no use to list buffs they dont have. It seems the "packs" are limit to 6 buffs or so. Make it unlimited. People decide their own packages


The fury caster is confusing as hell. Extend, sustain and reinforce has to be included when you search for buffs to


Featured is maybe a good idea but it keep overfloading so people get pushed away. If you posted your buffs, your gone in 5min because other feature theirs.

#818756 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by BabyMad on 06 November 2013 - 15:27

Some suggestions


Make it possible to use numbers to kill titans aswell (12345678)


Those pesky red boxes that pop up when you dont have enought gold or monsters are killed before you could. Hide them away somehow. Disable/Enable them in prefences maybe. I hate them when i titan hunt, they cost me value time to move


When i titan hunt and im to late i click on titan name but i get thrown to the pvp page and attacking the first player on the action list. I dont click on the sword, i click on the name box. Its tigged in settings but it still occur to many times and its so disturbing

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