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Skill tree needs a fix

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Poll: Would you like the skill tree removed so that you could use the extra skill points? (144 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you like the skill tree removed so that you could use the extra skill points?

  1. Yes - I need every skill point I can lay my hands on (215 votes [83.98%])

    Percentage of vote: 83.98%

  2. No - I would like to see the skill tree extended into the higher level skills as well (30 votes [11.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.72%

  3. Meh - I could care less (11 votes [4.30%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.30%

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#1 fs_phool

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 06:43

Something that bugs me about the skill tree - especially the offensive one - is that you need to have points in rage, fury, and berserk before you can put pts into dark curse. This also is true of holy flame - you need points in EW before you can choose holy flame. And on the defensive side you need to have pts in absorb before you can put pts into EA.

Why is this so???

It seems a strange anomaly - especially when you can put pts into any of the level 200+ skills without having to put pts into earlier skills.

Can this requirement be removed please? Its hard enough deciding on which skills to invest in now that we can have a maximum of 150 pts in each skill without being further restricted by having to put pts into skills that we aren't going to use.

This just seems a relic of the early days of the game and is no longer useful.

What do others think?

#2 fs_gopargur2

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 06:48

It also bugs me some, mainly since they didn't continue it. It seems like it started as an actual skill "tree", but they just stopped linking them. I would either like other skills to be linked as well, or none linked. My preference of course would be the latter of the two.

#3 Hoofmaster


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 07:01

I'm open to this - what does everyone else think?

#4 killa06



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 07:12

I also agree with Phool. Why do we have to be points into skills we dont want? We don't have to with the higher level skills. Unnecessary skill points are wasted because of it.

#5 fs_rulen

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 07:28

Its 327 am here. You see I can't sleep because this same issue has been bugging me.... ok not really I just can't sleep, but I still agree with Phool. Change it so that we can start putting skill points where we really want it.

#6 supermum



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 07:32

This has also been bugging me for some time, and I know it has been mentioned before.

Now I really hope something will be done about unlinking skills, and maybe giving us all a skill reset, so that we can allocate the freed point onto other for us more useful skill :P

#7 BadPenny



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 07:47

Yup I have to agree also. It does seem mad that just those few skills are linked.

Ofcourse to be fair if these skills links are removed then a skill reset to free up the points would also have to be done. :)

A skill reset wouldn't be a bad idea, anyway. In fact, maybe a fix for the "skill tree" could coincide with the lvl 400 skills that still haven't been implemented... that would make it easier on all, I should think

Just one old lady's opinion




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#8 cazz1


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:00

I also agree that there doesn't seem to be much point in having a skill tree.

With more and more people head up into the higher levels and now with the entire top 250 over level 300 can you have a look at level 350 & 400 buffs.

And when these change can we have a skill reset please.

#9 fs_radulykan

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:01

Yep I do agree with this and I try to choose my skills without having to go through this but it isn't easy and some skills, specially offensive ones, it's necessary to allocate some points in skills that are never used or that I don't want to have

#10 acvila



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:02

make the ofensive and defence skills like the special, no need to put a number of points intoa skill to advance to another skills, is pointless, for example, i am not using fury or rage, but still, i have to put points in there to advance to dark curse

#11 fs_coyotik

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:15

I'm torn here - the selfish me says "remove the requirements", but the rpg-gamer me says "add them for high-level skills as well", making a real skill tree there.

But given the fact that both the combat system and the skill system are, ehm, how to put it without risking a ban, ehm, just not really well designed, I guess that we should go for the removal of the requirements.

Hoof, please, please reconsider the defensive buffs. I think that I was not the only one to propose a reasonable skill reform that would make those quite useful again without requiring any big changes to the rest of the game.

#12 Willoughby



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:59

the rpg-gamer me says "add them for high-level skills as well", making a real skill tree there.

Get's my vote

That's how long I've been waiting for this game.

#13 fs_coyotik

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:03

the rpg-gamer me says "add them for high-level skills as well", making a real skill tree there.

Get's my vote

Promise you'll make Hoof revamp the existing skills, though. Especially the ones that currently work on base hp, def and armor, ouch they ARE bad :)

#14 acvila



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:07

the rpg-gamer me says "add them for high-level skills as well", making a real skill tree there.

Get's my vote

not my vote thou :oops:

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:10

Promise you'll make Hoof revamp the existing skills, though. Especially the ones that currently work on base hp, def and armor, ouch they ARE bad :)

I wish i had said that... That's the reason people have no use for those skills.... a percent of a percent of 1 is negligible at best

Just one old lady's opinion




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#16 hades8840



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:55

iagree also skill points are hard enough to come by to waste just so u can get dc u have to add points to rage fury berserk ......99% of the game will vote to remove the tree system so u can add directly to what skills u want

#17 Joe777



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 10:25

YES please, definitelly.

#18 fs_azuk

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 10:46

totaly agree with this one Phool.

They either need to link all the skills or none at all.

I wuld prefer the none option as it doesnt penalise you for wanting specific skills

#19 fs_mrwright

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 11:00

I voted to extend the skill tree to higher levels.

#20 EJames2100



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 11:01

Yes, take them away, whatever you do, we should get a free reset with this right :D

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