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Member Since 10 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2018 01:13

#990256 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by raining3s on 20 February 2018 - 03:01

I completely understand what you are saying. And i get it. But YOU are also missing the point. How would you know they are in epics ? You will still have to look at your members that are in that range. Sure, this would be helpful for deflect, last ditch, forceshield, etc.. a few buffs that work with all setups. But once again, you will have to check their profiles and buff them accordingly. Armor setup, defence setup, hybrid etc. You have to specifically buff players according to their gear. What are you gonna do ? Buff everyone with deflect and last ditch and whatever else... and then open each attacked player in your guild and buff them all over again with different buffs they personally need ? This is a double job and silly. DOUBLE TIME WASTED. Its a good start to an idea though ! I like the base of the idea :) good luck.

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