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Member Since 12 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2022 12:21

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In Topic: Purging of the perm accounts + unbound plat.

28 October 2012 - 03:03

You know what's a nice color, white! ...white is a nice color.

Wow Zorg....just wow xD

In Topic: Purging of the perm accounts + unbound plat.

26 October 2012 - 17:00

Ok, well then lol...You all should know by now I can't read well xD But with that being the case.....I am with bcfc on it, it doesn't make any sense xD I have never bought platinum/subscription, but I'm gonna be getting more unbound platinum? Sweeeet lol

*P.S. I guess this light blue color isn't to bad :P

In Topic: Gothador Merge

23 October 2012 - 15:58

The players are very helpful Albel :P

I wasn't able to figure out if people were helpful or not, you cant use the chat till level 3 lol

And sorry if you dont like pink >.> I was gonna use purple but frankly, it's a strain on my own eyes trying to read it lol

In Topic: Purging of the perm accounts + unbound plat.

23 October 2012 - 07:01

Well.....theres a few things on this. Yes, the players that dont get deleted will sit around and obviously wont be active...however....by not deleting old players who go inactive, we are creating a larger playerbase allowing more pvp to take place and hopefully reducing the amount of complaints about not being able to get any kills because avatars take them all.

Now, this is the main reason I see it happening, and probably the one I like most. The thing I dislike most about it, is it begins to take up player names, and if a player goes inactive with a name you would prefer (It happens on tons of games I try to play where a character has the name Albel but hasn't played for years) you're just left finding a different name. Now, I know it really wont affect many people, but it's something I liked about Legacy, always filtering through players and clearing out the old.

Also....bcfc, you should know when we get our platinum, it will be Bound. I can guarentee that. Which basically takes away any value it has. Bound platinum is worthless, where Unbound could at least be used to get Credits (Not that those are really needed either) so they're both kinda worthless....so giving back platinum, I doubt HCS has any issue with that.

Anyway, for the most part I'd say I'm in favor of this decision.

*On a side note though, I would say that if a player doesn't manage to reach "Minimum" level 10 before they quit playing, to just let them be deleted after the 80 days. There really isn't much to work from at that point.

In Topic: Gothador Merge

23 October 2012 - 06:54

Dont know if it's just me, but this Gothador game, is very unfriendly to new players. It's just throws you in there with almost nothing, I was just hovering my mouse all over looking for things to click xD And even when I figured it somewhat out, I fought rats and still lost everytime, I think I managed to kill 1 creature and I dont even remember what it was. If anything, you should make this game a tutorial Zorg lol, I think this one is needed way more xD

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