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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2016 07:27

Topics I've Started

Double shard Event ?

29 March 2015 - 06:45

I was just wondering if FS was ever going to have another double shard event?


There was one last November, where supersonic? video shards were worth double for 48 hours or something.. unfortunately I was away on holidays and could only see part of it all.


Im not sure if it was a HCS ran event, or a Supersonic one ( or token adds or or etc)


Thanks :)

Can't crack the Nutcracker problem

27 December 2014 - 02:21

I was doing the Nefarious Nutcrackers  quest ( 1700) and got to the last stage where I was to hit the Titan, and it wont let me hit.


The error message displayed says my guild is on cool down, and I can't hit till the 29th.


I thought it was changed that even if you were on guild cool down, you could still hit a titan ONCE so you could complete a quest, if it was required?


Can someone clarify this?

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