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#429041 Elite's spawn time by Aurik16

Posted by Zurion on 16 August 2009 - 06:08

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Elite's Spawn Time
by Aurik16

This kind of topic was first started by eXeQut0r, but since he was deleted, i chose to continue his work here. You can find the original topic here.

I hope this will help u :D
Sometimes when you want to kill some elite creatures, you got problems to find them, in most of cases its because someone killed that elite before you...
And now i will try to help you a bit :D. So here are all spawn times which i find on internet or find out by myself.
You can also see the realms where you can find them and levels of elites. If you are fast at keyboard cant miss them :D
Also i want to notice that some creatures spawn more then one but i will not write this...because i think one at spawn is success...

Skeletal Warrior (Elite) 4 Snow Forest East 0
Darmov the Great (Elite) 5 Darmovs Pit 0
Iushal the Unwise (Elite) 11 Nomad Stronghold 0
Ionlad the Brute (Elite) 12 Nomad Barracks 0
Eribor (Elite) 12 Krul Small Cave 0
Gadraen the Crazed (Elite) 13 Nomad Sanctum 0
Giggles the Laughable (Elite) 19 Dreg Swamp 0
Armoured Demon (Elite) 22 Fiery Pit 0
Telovien (Elite) 26 Ramdal Caves (Level 2) 5
Nightshade Lord (Elite) 28 Ramdal Caves (Level 5) 5
Corrupt Elf (Elite) 30 Elven Hideout 10
Girath the Terrible (Elite) 30 Udan Forest (Girath's Den) 5
Burning Hellion (Elite) 34 Burning Abyss (Hellions Lair) 15
Tree Golem (Elite) 35 Forgotten Forest (East) 5
Mortek the Bright (Gargoyle Elite) 37 Crystal Cavern (Gargoyles Den Level 2) 10
Jawdore Griffin (Elite) 38 The Eerie Moors (Jawdore's Sanctuary) 10
Leghra Deathspinner (Elite) 40 Leghra Fortress (Level 3) 0
Corrupted Knight (Elite) 41 Amazon Encampment 10
Blind Stalker (Elite) 45 HallowsDepths 15
Eredan Sorcerer (Elite) 48 Moot Cave 0
Vampire Assassin (Elite) 55 Odin Caves (Burning Plateau) 5
Kraken the Guardian (Elite) 57 Feldor Caves (Level 3) - Slayers Forest West 0
Osmar the Grofflesnout (Elite) 59 Feldor Caves (Level 2) - Odin Caves (Level 2) - Slayers Forest South 0
Elgrad the Charged (Elite) 62 Slayers Forest East 5
One Eye the Goblin Mercenary (Elite) 65 Orcan Forest (Goblin Camp) 5
Lava Rock Beast (Elite) 75 Inferno Mountains (Lair of the Beast) 10
Balrog (Elite) 78 Inferno Mountains West 15
Ice Lizard (Elite) 80 Frozen Lakes South - Glacier Forest North 0
Forlo the Infernal (Elite) 85 Depths of Despair (Forlo's Den) 15
The Ice Fang (Elite) 90 Depths of Despair (Deep Cavern) 0
Grisha the Smasha (Elite) 95 Savage Ruins (Grisha's Lair) ???
Deathroll (Elite) 100 Fire Plains 5
Fire Hippo (Elite) 100 Fire Plains 5
The Bloated One (Elite) 100 Fire Plains 10
Fegro Frog (Elite) 105 Oland Briar (Fegro's Lair) 15
Azlorie Forgzah Demon (Elite) 110 Enkmar Scrubland (Mystical Maze) 10
Bastet Lion (Elite) 110 Enkmar Scrubland (Mystical Maze) 10
Queen Shildorah (Elite) 115 Sanctum of Shildorah 15
Spider Queen (Elite) 115 MelsaurMountains (Spider Cave) 15
Borok the Bloody (Elite) 120 Gadrel Swamps (West) ???
The Ethereal Guardian (Elite) 125 Ethereal Gateway 0
Trogladores Monster (Elite) 125 Jahd Swamps (Trogladores Cave) 15
Storm Lord (Elite) 130 Jeglar Cove 15
Weagr the Frozen (Elite) 135 Frozen Passage 10
The Anklar Minotaur (Elite) 140 Tepal Cave 15
Gorr (Elite) 150 Rarek Dungeon 5
Zovrak the Unicorn (Elite) 159 Zovraks Den 5
Gronak the Merciless (Elite) 170 Dunale Cave 10
Marpolo and Cethedrum (Elite) 175 Marpolo Island 10
Mortugus (Elite) 185 Mortugus Lair 10
Lezhal (Elite) 200 Narkort (North) 5
Fozdon (Elite) 205 Daradom Catacomb 0
The Maletornic (Elite) 215 Maletornic Lair 10
Kozyu (Elite) 225 Kozyu Crystal Catacombs ???
Asura King Vashku (Elite) 235 Vashku 15
Xenix the Chaotic (Elite) 245 Xenix Den 10
Ragnok (Elite) 250 Ragnok Lair 15
The Horned God (Elite) 270 The Horned Lair 15
Sir Ozomond (Elite) 280 Sir Ozomonds Castle 10
Kruxgor (Elite) 290 Kruxgors Lair 15
The Spectral Sabertooth (Elite) 300 Sabertooth Lair 0
Uk Nok Trvon (Elite) 310 Trvons Clearing 10
Devka the Dryad (Elite) 320 Devkas Lair 10
Mar the King of Lizards (Elite) 330 Troodon Lair 10
Craydar (Elite) 340 Craydar Pit 10
Dagoresh (Elite) 350 Domain of Dagoresh 15
Queen Pteron (Elite) 355 Nuzron Caves 10
Semerkhet (Elite) 370 Temple of Semerkhet ???
Stone Sphinx (Elite) 380 Sphinx Lair 10
Warlord Ko Lash (Elite) 390 Halls of Ko Lash 5
Dazmorr the Burned (Elite) 399 Seething Caverns 15
Xinderoth Master of Magic (Elite) 420 Chamber of Xinderoth (Floor 20) 10
Captain Guzak Guzh (Elite) 430 Lonely Isle Elven Ruins 15
Pirate Queen Blackbury (Elite) 433 Pirate Queens Den 10
Stheno (Elite) 440 Stheno Lake (Lair) 10
Dark Vistage of Kreth (Elite) 450 Chamber of Kreth 0
Old One Eye (Elite) 460 One Eyes Compound 0
The Tursas (Elite) 470 Broken Ice Shelf 0
Qana the Dark Wyvern (Elite) 480 Cathedral of Ice 0
Doctor Morbidstein (Elite) 490 Castle Morbidstein (Basement) 15
Unicorn of Dappled Light (Elite) 500 Forest of Ral (Range) 15
Enraged Trillsarin (Elite) 510 Ralthien (Palace) 10
Snake Priest Ahuitz (Elite) 520 Teotal (Chamber of the Sun) ???
Master Shu Zi (Elite) 520 Officials Compound 10
Lord of the Fae (Elite) 530 The Secret Kingdom (Heartwood) ???
Scylla (Elite) 540 Chelonian Cove 10

Spawn time - time when creatures will spawn after they get killed
0 - means that creatures spawn instant after they are killed
5 - means that creatures spawn at xx:05,xx:10,xx:15,xx:20,xx:25,xx:30,xx:35,xx:40,xx:45,xx:50,xx:55,xx:00
10 - means that creatures spawn at xx:10,xx:20,xx:30,xx:40,xx:50,xx:00
15 - means that creatures spawn at xx:15,xx:30,xx:45,xx:00
??? - means that i need your help :D

If u notice some wrong information or some missing information say and i will try to fix as soon as possible.

I also want to say thanks to all people from the Lost Knight guild

All donations are welcome ^^

#286370 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 04 April 2013 - 08:53

A way to "save" talents+stat points distribution and skills on the action bar. One of the greatest features of the game is that you can be anything you want with the same character. But when you do a reset of your talents, it's a bit annoying to remember what talents you were using as a tank and which talents as a mage. Having a way to restore a saved build after a reset, along with the action bar (cause you use different spells) would be very very nice.

#286172 Agressive NPC with no level

Posted by Zurion on 03 April 2013 - 11:20



I know that there are some NPC's around that don't have a level displayed, but those are all friendly ones. The Infernal Mercenary in the Secluded Valley attacks me, but I don't know what level he is :)

#285245 Honoring the ancestors

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 15:15

Probably something in the new build messed it up

#284960 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 28 March 2013 - 18:00

Maybe you can leave the text the same white colour, and at the end of the decription add something like:

"The next level of this skill will grant you x% Melee Attack Power". 

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