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Member Since 06 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2013 03:09

Topics I've Started

Yip Auctions

06 August 2013 - 02:24

Hello everyone Yippers here! Im creating an auction for some avatars I have been making and I will keep adding for the duration of the auction! This auction will last 2 weeks! No im not the best avatar maker im quite a novice creator I would love some positive feedback! Check out my bio in-game for some more info. 




Starting BID : 2 FSP



Im just posting what I have so far but I will be adding 3-4 every day for 2 weeks.

*Click on image to see full size*


1:Attached File  Yip Auction 1 - PNG.png   56.74KB   61 downloads BID: BIN Dragoonale           


2:Attached File  Yip Auction 2 - PNG.png   61.64KB   65 downloads BID: BIN 09867r3 


3:Attached File  Yip Auctions 3 - PNG.png   49.62KB   64 downloads BID: 2 FSP - MP5Slayer (Messaged in-game)


4:Attached File  Yip Auction 4 - PNG.png   67.32KB   66 downloads BID: 2 FSP - cquinmi


5:Attached File  Yip Auctions 5 - PNG.png   37.09KB   59 downloads BID: None


6:Attached File  Yip Auctions 6.png   87.55KB   72 downloads BID: 2 FSP - Atlantis12 (Messaged in-game)


7:Attached File  Yippers Auctions 7 - PNG.png   23.95KB   63 downloads BID: None


8:Attached File  Yips Avatars 8 - PNG.png   110.41KB   64 downloads BID: 2 FSP - Command14 (Messaged in-game)


9:Attached File  Yip Auctions 9 - PNG.png   86.02KB   64 downloads BID: 2 FSP - Command14 (Messaged in-game)


10:Attached File  Yips Auctions 10 - PNG.png   83.41KB   61 downloads BID: 2 FSP - Karmz

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